Finding JSS Users From A Document


We are changing our licensing for Adobe. We have list (csv file) of just full names from our accounting dept that we need to install CC18 on and remove others who are not on the list.

The problem is that this list contains JSS users and non-JSS users (Windows Users). I do not want to have to go thorough all 800 users manually to see who is in my JSS and who is not.

Any ideas how I can import this list into the JSS to find my users on this list?


Contributor III

I faced a similar challenge.

I created an extension attribute for the most logged in user.


TopUser=$(ac -p | sort -nk 2 | grep -v reboot | grep -v root |grep -v _mbsetupuser | grep -v wtmp | grep -v shutdown | awk '/total/{print x};{x=$1}')

echo "<result>$TopUser</result>"

My JSS has LDAP configured and setup. I have a login policy run a script. Which will assign the logging in user to the JAMF record for that system. Including username, email, and full name (an example of that is below).

currentUser=$(ls -l /dev/console | awk '{ print $3 }')
jamf recon -endUsername $currentuser

The two above items gives tells me who the "main system user" within reason. This wouldn't work for every environments. Then you can create a SG looking for users who have whatever Adobe CC product or products you are looking for.

You can export the result of the SG into a CSV. Then bring that into excel and use a pivot table or Access and create a relationship between the csv you can export from JAMF and the one from accounting.

It's not 100% and not ideal but about as close as I have found I could get.