Firefox & AutoConfig proxies

Valued Contributor

I'm trying to get Firefox working on our network. We have an explicit proxy via a PAC file that I'm trying to configure. Once I figured out the "ImportEnterpriseRoots" key in my config profile, I am able to login to Azure AD SSO (I had been getting unknown cert signer before). It also looks like websites that are explicitly marked as direct in our PAC file work fine (our Jamf cloud instance for example). The issue is every other website. When I try to go to for example, I get:

"The proxy server is refusing connections"

I do get prompted for creds to our proxy servers, so I know it's connecting, plus the fact that direct websites work fine as well as the untrusted cert error that got fixed but it's just the non-direct websites that aren't fail to load. We have no problems with the PAC settings in Safari or Chrome.