Posted on
08:08 AM
- last edited
4 weeks ago
Hi Everyone,
I saw some older posts here on this topic, but I am confused about what others may or may not be doing.
We have a lot of Macs that get re-imaged every year to update the OS, applications and more. The question is, when we wipe these systems, the JSS policy history for these computers are NOT flushed. This means we have to either remove the computer from the JSS or we flush the policies manually for each computer we touch.
Is there a way to do this at imaging or a script someone is using that does this? Ultimately, we simply want to do the "flush all" in the policy history tab, but only for those computers that we are actually in the process of touching.
Thoughts and how you might be doing this would be much appreciated. I hate to re-invent the wheel if someone else has already figured this out.
Thank you,
Posted on 03-20-2017 08:24 AM
Hmm. I was under the impression Casper Imaging did the flush policies automatically, no? Are you using something other than Casper Imaging? If it isn't doing it, the command you need to run on the Mac at imaging time is
jamf flushPolicyHistory
This tells the JSS that all policies that previously ran on the Mac in question the script is running on need to be flushed so they can run again.
I would check in with your TAM if you're using Casper Imaging for your re-imaging and its not flushing the policies. I did think it did this on its own with no need to place it into a postrun script, but I may be wrong.
Posted on 03-20-2017 08:27 AM
The answer @mm2270 gave is the most likely solution, but I have seen issues in the past with imaging computers that were already in the JSS. These issues ranged from policy logs not flushing to the reimaged computers not re-enrolling properly. At the time we had to delete the computer record from the JSS prior to imaging (I had a script to do this in my imaging config), and that resolved all of the issues. This was several JSS versions back, however, and I haven't seen these issues on more recent versions.
Posted on 03-20-2017 08:36 AM
If you're not using Casper Imaging, check the QuickAdd package. Try creating a fresh one from the lastest Recon version you have.
Posted on 03-20-2017 08:53 AM
None of my policies automatically flushed when I reimaged last using Casper 9.82 and I was advised a JAMF trainer that it isn't automatic. I would test using the flush policy command as a policy to run after enrolment.
Posted on 03-20-2017 09:18 AM
Thanks all,
We are using Casper imaging along with NetBoot. We can image without any issues so that part is working.
What seems to be happening is, when the computer is re-enrolled into the JSS, it appears the run once policies aren't being flushed and the JSS retains the record as already being run, so it doesn't run again.
If I remove the computer from the JSS, it works every time.
I will check with JAMF Support and ask them what might be happening. In my testing, I have to flush all in order for the computer to pick up the policy and run them again. What is even more curious, if I don't remove the test system from the JSS and I image it, the computer is re-enrolling but it is not checking in again. Strange to be sure.
Removing from the JSS prior to imaging is working every time.
Posted on 03-20-2017 12:40 PM
Just in case you don't already have this, here's the script I used to delete computer records when imaging.
SERIAL=$(system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | grep 'Serial Number (system)' | awk '{print $NF}')
curl -ksu user:pass "https://jss.url:8443/JSSResource/computers/serialnumber/$SERIAL" -X DELETE
Posted on 03-20-2017 12:43 PM
Thank you @bburdeaux I will look at this soon. I am hopeful this will be the magic bullet to get this working!!
Posted on 03-21-2017 06:21 AM
Be advised that jamf flushPolicyHistory flushes VNC logs too - if you want those to stay in place, but you want to flush policy logs, add a quickadd package to your image workflow. Make the quickadd install on boot device with priority 1.
Posted on 03-21-2017 07:44 AM
As @mm2270 suggested, we have been using the same method for a while now.
I just added that command as a script in the JSS and attach it to all my configurations that need it. That way, they (the configs that need it) always start fresh.
Additionally, I have seen and heard from TAMs that Casper Imaging does not re-enroll a computer all the time. I don't have parameters for this, such as if it was enrolled in the past x days, etc. I don't have any evidence like that.
But what I do know, is I was testing the 9.97.1488392992 hotfix and we were having script issues during imaging. With the TAMs direction, took those scrips out of the config and put them as "On-Enrollment" policies. Worked great the first time but not for subsequent re-imaging. TAM stating Casper Imaging was "re-managing" those computers but not "re-enrolling".
At that point, we punted back to 9.97.1482356336 and have held there for now.
Posted on 03-21-2017 07:52 AM
Thank you Everyone for you thoughts and responses here.
I think for ease of use and training, we are going to remove the computers from the JSS and AD before imaging. I am currently working on a process to run a policy via self service that will remove the computer from AD, remove the firmware password and remove the computer from the JSS.
Then when imaging, we are going to have smart groups set up to automatically deploy the correct packages to the computers based on the computer name. In testing, this should work well. Once the computer shows up in the JSS with the correct name, the computer will get all of the applications, printers and so forth.
Thanks again!!
Posted on 03-21-2017 07:54 AM
@mconners Just one more thing before heading down that route, you will lose any purchase/warranty information if you have that in your jss.
Might not be a big deal if you don't, but did want to make you aware of that.
Of course, if you have GSX setup, that won't matter either as it should pull it all back in.
Posted on 03-21-2017 08:01 AM
Thank you @jrippy for this. Curiously, we do have GSX setup, however, the connection is failing to work with Apple. Our GSX portal is working directly with Apple, but the connection from the JSS to GSX stopped working. I have been trying to work with Apple and JAMF support, but it is failing to work no matter what we do.
Interestingly, the "test" function is working via the JSS. When we attempt to pull in records, we get a message saying no serial numbers found. JAMF is stumped and so is Apple's GSX support person. I am hopeful this will be resolved before summer when we start our imaging process.
Posted on 03-21-2017 08:02 AM
@mconners I was about to say something similar to @jrippy Personally I would not delete Macs from my JSS unless they were truly decommissioned and were never going to be used again. If they are active systems, my preference would be to simply flush the policy logs and leave the Mac history and other data intact in my JSS. It's entirely up to you of course, but you should be aware you may lose some data about those Macs that you might look for later and it won't be there if you delete and re-enroll them as new systems.
One last thing. Macs in Static Groups remain in Static Groups when they are re-imaged and the record kept in the JSS, because the JSS sees them as the same Mac (based on hardware UUID) So they get placed back in the same Static Groups. Deleting them removes them from those groups. Just something to keep in mind. It could be either desirable to have them drop from those groups, or not.
Posted on 03-21-2017 08:11 AM
Thanks @mm2270 this is a very good point. The only reason I even considered the removal of the computer was because the policies weren't re-running as expected. I am trying to find a tried and true record that would work every time.
I am going to work more on the "flushing of policies" piece before I end up down the removal path. As has been pointed out, losing the computer record could have more drawbacks that I haven't considered. If I can get the policies to work, then I might be okay. Thanks again!!
Posted on 03-21-2017 09:59 AM
Just checking back in @mm2270. After some brief testing, I have created a new quick add package added to the casper image sequence to install at reboot time and added the flush policy log to run AFTER installing the OS and at reboot, two different trials. Either way, the policies are not being flushed.
I have asked JAMF Support to weigh in on this one. Over the past couple of years, this has been my experience too. The policy logs will not flush and thus, a re-imaged Mac will not reinstall the policies. I have to manually flush the logs via the JSS as the command apparently does nothing, at least in the context I am using.
Am I missing something? I would really like to keep the computer records as you have pointed out. But if I cannot flush the policies easily, then I have to do something different.
Posted on 03-21-2017 10:26 AM
@CasperSally Forgive me for missing the leap in logic... but i don't see how a quick add package helps in this situation? I checked and there is no setting in Recon QuickAdd for flushing policies. What am i missing?
Posted on 03-21-2017 10:33 AM
I am not sure either @Kyuubi but I did add the quick add package to our imaging process and added the flush policy script as well. I have both of them set to run at reboot. These two things together did result in a successful flush of the policies, not sure how, but it did work. More testing will be done to ensure it is consistent.
At this point, all we have in our image is the OS, two local accounts created by CreateUserPkg and at reboot, we have the quick add package and the script to flush the policies. These things together resulted in a new OS being installed with local accounts and a flushing of the policies. This allowed the existing policies to this system to be re-run after imaging. Precisely what I am looking for.
I am optimistic this will all work now.
Posted on 03-21-2017 10:38 AM
@mconners Are you sure the jamf flushPolicyHistory command is being run after the QuickAdd package gets installed and the Mac successfully enrolled?
If you're sure it's running after being enrolled and it's not working, I guess you'll need to see what Jamf Support says on it. It should work. I can't say I've run that command anytime recently on a Mac though, so I don't know if it's broken or not.
Posted on 03-21-2017 10:41 AM
@mconners Are you on 9.97.1488392992? If so, scripts during imaging are broken. That's why I had to go back to the previous hotfix.
Jamf, or at least the support person I talked to, is aware of this. He thinks it is probably related to the specific issue they were trying to fix.
Their workaround was to try to do the script in a policy on "Enrollment Complete".
Then I had issues with that, but as you are doing, adding in a Quick-Add pkg should take care of that.
Posted on 03-21-2017 10:52 AM
We are on 9.97.1488392992 @jrippy. I have the quick add package and flush policy script set to run at reboot. Checking the log file, I am not seeing evidence the flush policy piece is running. More testing is needed for sure.
I really wish this just worked when imaging a system. I am not seeing evidence this is the case without a little prodding.
Posted on 03-21-2017 11:05 AM
So.... this is a defect in the 9.97.1488392992 release then it sounds like? Where scripts in CI configs are not being run?
Posted on 03-21-2017 11:19 AM
To be honest @mm2270 I am not sure about the defect state though. I am can tell you if I don't have the flush policy script in Casper Imaging and set to run at reboot, the policies are not being flushed. I tried with only the quick add set to install at reboot and this didn't flush the policies. Having set the flush policy script to run at reboot and having it part of CI, it ran and the policies flushed as expected.
Whether or not there is a defect at play here, I cannot tell. I am not attempting to run at imaging time, only at reboot and it is working.
Posted on 03-21-2017 11:23 AM
While I don't have the PI number, @mconners @mm2270 I can confirm there is a defect with all scripts when used with Casper Imaging regardless of when the scripts actually run (imaging time vs reboot).
@mconners Your option would probably be to do what they told me, have the flush policy script run on enrollment complete as a policy. That should run immediately after the Quick-Add runs assuming it actually enrolls properly.
That will also immediately reset the flush policies policy but as the trigger is enrollment complete, that shouldn't create an unwanted loop. It should be ready the next time you re-image.
Posted on 03-21-2017 11:58 AM
You are correct @jrippy. In emailing support, I was informed of the following, Casper Imaging Unable to Download Scripts via Automatic PreStage Imaging. This is noted as PI-003666. They suggested I do what you suggested, set to run the policy at enrollment. However, in my testing, if I have the flush policy script set to run at reboot it is working.
So now, I am a little confused.
Could there be a difference between Prestage Imaging versus Casper Imaging via netboot?
All I am doing is running Casper Imaging via netboot. If I throw in the script during imaging and set to run at reboot, it works. If I remove it, the policies don't flush.
Posted on 03-22-2017 08:02 AM
@Kyuubi - I needed a solution to flush policy logs without touching VNC logs, and quickadd is what jamf told me to do. It also solved some issues we had with computers with saved autorun data.
Posted on 03-22-2017 08:05 AM
Thank you @Kyuubi for this. I have yet to find a solution and feel this should be easier than it is. With the QuickAdd solution, are you installing it at reboot after imaging or at imaging time?
Posted on 03-22-2017 08:15 AM
@mm2270 I haven't been following the thread closely, but my post image scripts are running fine. Maybe if others are having issues, they could try adding quickadd into their workflow.
Posted on 03-22-2017 08:36 AM
@CasperSally, so to restate what you are suggesting: You get a current QuickAdd package from Recon, upload that to your Jamf server using your method of choice, and add that package to any imaging configuration with Priority 1, Install on Boot.
Posted on 03-22-2017 08:39 AM
yup. been having to do that for years now. it will flush policy logs though
Posted on 03-22-2017 09:00 AM
@musat I just tested this with our test iMac. I created the quick add from Recon, added it to the JSS using Casper Admin. We made it priority 1 and have it set to install at boot after imaging. I imaged this test iMac and the policies did not flush. They are all setting at completed. I was hoping this was the magic bullet, but it doesn't seem to be working.
At least looking at the policy log history for the computer in the JSS, the policies all show completed as of yesterday. Maybe they will run again, but I was hoping to literally flush them out completely to be sure.
Posted on 03-23-2017 06:22 AM
I also tried adding the QuickAdd.pkg file, without success. The issue I was specifically trying ot resolve was PI-003666, of scripts not running during imaging. Since I found a resolution for that, I figured I would post in this group as well. My original post for this is over in
I downloaded all of the scripts (we reference 6 in our image configurations) from the webpage and removed the '.sh' that was added during the download. Then packaged all of these scripts in Composer, putting them in the /Library/Application Support/JAMF/FirstRun/PostIntall/Resources folder. I then uploaded this packaged DMG to the server using Casper Admin, and set it to Priority 5 (before anything else) and Install on Boot. The final step was to add this DMG to all imaging configurations. After doing this, imaging is now working properly again. Thankfully, none of these scripts change, so I shouldn't need to update this package before Jamf gets the issue fixed.
Hopefully this helps someone over here as well.
Posted on 03-23-2017 07:15 AM
Hello @musat I am testing this out right now. Hopefully this will do the trick. Thank you for sharing your process, it is much appreciated.
Posted on 03-23-2017 07:22 AM
Well, it appears this didn't work @musat. So, I am going to use my work around which is to use a self service policy that a person clicks on to initiate the wiping of policies, removal from AD and to restart the Mac. We will hold down the option key, choose the NetBoot drive and all will be well for imaging. This of course assumes the AutoRun is configured for the computers being imaged.
Posted on 03-23-2017 08:53 AM
To give credit where due, it was @gachowski in that other thread that directed me along this line. So definitely glad to have these forums as a place to go when things turn upside down.
Posted on 03-23-2017 11:04 AM
Just updating to say I didn't migrate scripts to db, so that may be why I'm not seeing this (as opposed to the quickadd being reason)