FontDoctor 10 serialization for all users

New Contributor

Hello and good day,

is there anyone out there who has succesfully deployed & serialized Extensis FontDoctor 10 for macOS? We have a lab of 40 computers that all have n amount of users. The problem is that FontDoctor asks for a serial number for each and every user of a computer. As you can imagine, that is problematic.

I have tried to look for an answer how to deploy this app and serialize it but cannot find anything. According to Jamfnation, in previous versions of FontDoctor there might be a file in /Users/Shared folder that contains the serial number and other required data but it seems that v10 acts differently. When doing a Composer Snapshot, the program generates a couple of .plist files in ~/Library/Preferences but these don't seem to do the trick.



Never deployed FontDoctor but when creating in composer are you creating a dmg and are you checking Fill User Templates (FUT)?

Not the best to do that as I had issues with another program when I did that. It actually would corrupt the root on the machine and make it "fetching" in the permissions window. something to try and test though.

New Contributor

Not a fan of composer created .dmg myself either but yes, I have tried that. I am thinking that the problem is the FontDoctor itself. Even when installed like a regular user would install and activate the software and then logging in with another user account, it keeps asking for a serial number.

The only workaround I've come up would be to deploy a local user account for all of our lab computer and then register the program for that user account. Though this would create a huge amount of other issues so I think it's a no-go.