Posted on 10-14-2011 06:01 AM
Just stumbled up on this on twitter. A way to create the recovery partition on systems that don't have it.
Posted on 01-26-2012 06:06 AM
In Carbon Copy Cloner Version 3.4.4-b3 (beta) you can copy the Lion recovery partition to an HD that does't have one. You can boot from an external HD that has a Lion Recovery partition on it. When you launch carbon copy cloner go to the window tab, then disk center. You will see a recovery tab. It will copy the Lion recovery partition from the drive, and clone it to the drive of the system without the Lion recovery partition. It will make a new partition, size it, and hide it..
OR ... You can also target disk a system with no recovery partition, attach it to a system with a Lion recover partition. Both methods will have the same result.
Scroll down to : Cloning Lion's Recovery HD partition (new in CCC 3.4.4)