Posted on 10-19-2022 10:09 AM
Hello JAMF-y boys and girls!
My management has tasked me with trying to figure out a way to set hot corners for some of our student labs to defined variables. At current, we have desktop picture and screensaver system preferences disabled through config profile for student access but some of the lab teachers want to have certain things available to students. The idea would be to set the Hot Corners while keeping the screensaver and desktop settings blocked from the System preferences pane.
For instance, we if are trying to keep "Notes" In the bottom right corner, put "Application Windows" in the top right, "Mission control" in the bottom left and "Launchpad" in the top left, and then force these settings to set of computers, what is the best way to accomplish this?
I know this information lives in the plist, but my attempts to "defaults write" to this file via script doesn't seem to produce any changes.
It seems like the script would be something along the lines of this, but I don't know what variable you would use to st the hot corners selections
sudo defaults write /Users/$USER/Library/Preferences/ wvous-tl-corner
Any help or info would be super appreciated!
Posted on 10-20-2022 12:51 AM
They are integers. so on the end of your line would be something like
-int 5
I found the numbers etc by setting them up on an account, and then using defaults read to inspect the plist
wvous-tr-corner -int 5
wvous-tr-modifier -int 0
Will turn on the screensaver if you go to the top right corner. From what I recall they go in pairs.
There is an article in here
Lists them all.
Posted on 10-20-2022 09:30 AM
@PaulHazelden - Thank you for taking the time to respond to my post. Management hasn't defined the user experience just yet, but in my testing when I set the Integer values in my script, it just clears out whatever is currently set and doesn't replace them with the new values. This what I have cobbled together, am I doing something wrong?
user=$( echo "show State:/Users/ConsoleUser" | scutil | awk '/Name :/ && ! /loginwindow/ { print $3 }' )
defaults write /Users/$user/Library/Preferences/ wvous-tl-corner -int 4
defaults write /Users/$user/Library/Preferences/ wvous-tl-modifier -int 0
killall Dock
Posted on 10-21-2022 05:31 AM
I have just tested it on a M1 Mac running Monterey, and it works just fine. Script I used was pretty much the same as you have there.
If your script is running as the User, then you do not need to put in the
But other than that the script was the same as yours.
Posted on 10-24-2022 06:54 AM
I see, sorry I am bit new to the JAMF admin stuff. If I set the script to run in a policy through JAMF, it's going to run as the root account right? Or does the script know to the run as the logged in user? Or is this something that can be set in the actual policy?
Posted on 10-25-2022 02:41 AM
Running from Jamf, it will run as root.
Looking at your script above, then if you run this from Jamf, you will need to sudo the 2 defaults lines.
user=$( echo "show State:/Users/ConsoleUser" | scutil | awk '/Name :/ && ! /loginwindow/ { print $3 }' )
sudo -u $user defaults write /Users/$user/Library/Preferences/ wvous-tl-corner -int 4
sudo -u $user defaults write /Users/$user/Library/Preferences/ wvous-tl-modifier -int 0
killall Dock
You can get the script to run as the User, by creating the script and a LaunchAgent to run it. But this will then run every time the user logs in. If you want to force the settings on the User, this is a good way to go. They can change it, but everytime they log in it will rest, I find after a few tries most Users give up and leave it alone.