systematically configure hot-corners.

Contributor III

A security issue arises from the hotcorner options because of the ability for a use to set the screen to never sleep/lock. In cases where it is mandated that the screen 'lock' after X time, this thwarts the intended security measure. The following fixes that. This runs this under Login and Checkin. There might be a better way to disable the "Disable screen saver" hotcorner option, but obviously I haven't found it:)

BTW, If anyone knows how to force the dock to reload settings without killing it, I'm all ears.

Hope it helps people!

# Get the user currently logged into the console and store in the variable "user"
user=ls -l /dev/console | cut -d " " -f 4

# Set line separator to be used in for/while loops
IFS=$' '

# Set hotcorner actions. Disable "Disable Screen Saver" when found.
## The following are the values of each option in the GUI
# Start Screen Saver = 5
# Modifier = 0
# Disable Screen Saver = 6
# Modifier = 0
# Mission Control = 2
# Modifier = 0
# Application Windows = 3
# Modifier = 0
# Desktop = 4
# Modifier = 0
# Dashboard = 7
# Modifier = 0
# Notification Center = 12
# Modifier = 0
# Launchpad = 11 # Modifier = 0
# Put Display to Sleep = 10
# Modifier = 0
# None = 1
# Modifier = 1048576
a=defaults read /Users/$user/Library/Preferences/ | grep "-corner""
for corner in $a
do #echo $corner cornerval=echo $corner | cut -d "=" -f2 | cut -d ";" -f1 | sed 's/ //g' corner=echo $corner | cut -d """ -f 2 | cut -d "-" -f 1,2 #echo $corner #echo $cornerval if [ "$cornerval" = "6" ]; then echo Hotcorner - Disable screensaver found on $corner!!! echo We gon' fix that! # Setting the corner action to 1(None) sudo -u $user defaults write /Users/$user/Library/Preferences/ $corner-corner -int 1 sudo -u $user defaults write /Users/$user/Library/Preferences/ $corner-modifier -int 1048576 changesmade="yes" fi
# If changes were made then the dock needs to be restarted for them to take affect
if [ "$changesmade" = "yes" ]; then killall -HUP Dock; fi