FYI on how to deploy MAP test from NWEA

Honored Contributor

Since I have pounded my head against the wall dealing with NWEA, I went ahead and documented how I deployed it. So if you are going to deploy 6.4 to intel based macs you may want to give this a read. I used Composer and Self service to pretty much build the whole thing


New Contributor II

Thanks for documenting, no dice on the link though.

Contributor III

Did you see the post was 5 years old? It's no wonder the link isn't working anymore.

Honored Contributor

Hi Everyone,

I hope everyone is doing well. I am the original author of the document in question, and my website is no longer up. I just did not have time to maintain it, so I let it lapse. I also wrote the workflow for NWEA back in 2009, and to my knowledge the developer was going to ditch the app and go with a web based solution. I had to package up the app, and launch it with Self Service that would mount the NWEA database share before the app connected. Each app had to be packaged according to what file share it accessed for that database.

I can reach out to my former co-workers to see what they are currently doing if that is of interest to you. Let me know, and I can email them.


New Contributor III

For anyone new to NWEA... and found out at the last moment that it was needed... here is what I did for Mojave: Run Composer as local admin, click New, New and Modified Snapshot, "install" (drag and copy to Apps folder) NEWA Secure Browser (Lockdown, then launch it, "open anyway", then accept the Mojave security warning prompt. Finish snapshot. Build as PKG. Upload to JSS in Admin. Push to users.


@mpenrod Just checking to see if you have trick for Catalina? I followed your exact instructions for Mojave and it worked like a champ. My Catalina package reports success, but it's not there. Strange. Any guidance is much appreciated.