FYI - Snow Leopard install via DVD kills jamf tasks...

Valued Contributor II

Just an FYI, I had a customer who decided to let the end-users upgrade their own systems to Snow Leopard via retail DVDs.

I kept seeing systems not checking in, or systems that the end users claimed to have upgraded, but not being reflected in the JSS.

After further investigation, I determined, and confirmed with JAMF support, that the /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.jamfsoftware.task.1.plist (which contains your every5/every15 task) and, if you have application usage monitoring enabled, the com.jamfsoftware.task.monitorUsage.plist files do not survive the upgrade process. This was not a known issue until we figured this out a couple of weeks ago.

All you need to do to fix it is to do a "sudo jamf manage" (or, in our case, create and distribute a QuickAdd.pkg which solves the known problem of the Snow Leopard DVD upgrade not migrating over any "hidden" users, like those we use with Casper; ).

I know most of you will not see this issue, since you live in imaged environments, however this particular client has adopted a consumerized model and thus expects the end-user to perform the setup/software installation (mostly automated through scripts, policies, and Self Service). I am guessing if you need to do a reinstall of Snow Leopard on top of itself, this will also kill Casper, but I haven't tested that theory...


Robert Hammen
rhlist1 at