Posted on
07:38 AM
- last edited
3 weeks ago
We have Garage Band available on Self Service. Non-admin users are able to download and install it just fine. However, the first time it is launched it pops a dialogue to download the "Essential Sounds Download" which our users also need. It downloads the package but then pops a security dialogue requesting an admin username / password to complete the install. Has anyone found a way to allow this to run for non-admin users?
Posted on 04-11-2018 07:41 AM
You can add a script to Garage Band from Self Service to install the packaged "Essential Sounds"…
It sounds to be an easy and quick-win solution. Isn't it?
The script have to install Essential Sounds before first launch to avoid message to the user…
Posted on 04-11-2018 07:55 AM
@dzogrim you wouldn't happen to have a copy of that script would you?
Posted on 04-11-2018 08:08 AM
Why not manually package the additional sounds & add that package to the Policy?
Posted on 04-11-2018 08:10 AM
@c.archibald they do update from time to time, so getting the most recent version all the time would be a good idea. unless you're worried about network usage.
Posted on 04-11-2018 08:20 AM
You can use this script by carlashley:
I was able to download the mandatory loops with this script and package them but to create a package for the optional loops would require over 20 gigs of space on your file share so I prefer the clients go download and install those loops themselves through Self Service with this script.
Posted on 04-11-2018 01:15 PM
This is how I handled this:
Some indicated that they would rather the client went and downloaded the loops themselves. In our environment that won't work. The user can't be trusted, plus they don't have the permissions to install anything.
I found a script that downloads all of the loops for GarageBand, Logic Pro and MainStage. One could just edit the script to remove the un wanted loops. I went theu the downloaded files and removed what I didn't want.
I then made a folder that would mirror the folder that GarageBand looks for named lp10_ms3_content_2016 and move all of the GarageBand loops into said folder. I then put the folder in /Shared
I used Composer to aid in creating a folder with the extra content and copy to the install location on each machine.
This is what my policy looks like.
I know someone has a script to complete the indexing of the loops. Too me thats not a deal breaker and leave it to the user
Here is the script to install the GarageBand content
for A_PKG in $(Find /Users/Shared/lp10_ms3_content_2016 -name "*.pkg"); doecho Installing... $A_PKG
installer -package "$A_PKG" -target / echo rm -rf /Users/Shared/lp10_ms3_content_2016 done
Posted on 04-11-2018 01:20 PM
Here is the script to download all of the Loops:
#!/usr/bin/python ''' Downloads required audio loops for GarageBand, Logic Pro X, and MainStage 3. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Elements of are used in this tool.
Requirements: - python 2.7.10 (as shipped in macOS X) '''Imports for general use
import argparse import logging import os import plistlib import sys import shutil import ssl import subprocess import traceback import urllib2 from collections import namedtuple from distutils.version import LooseVersion, StrictVersion from glob import glob from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler from urlparse import urlparseImports specifically for FoundationPlist
PyLint cannot properly find names inside Cocoa libraries, so issues bogus
No name 'Foo' in module 'Bar' warnings. Disable them.
pylint: disable=E0611
from Foundation import NSData # NOQA from Foundation import NSPropertyListSerialization from Foundation import NSPropertyListMutableContainers from Foundation import NSPropertyListXMLFormat_v1_0 # NOQApylint: enable=E0611
Script information
script = '' author = 'Carl Windus' maintainer = author copyright = 'Copyright 2016, Carl Windus' credits = ['Greg Neagle', 'Matt Wilkie'] version = '2.1.8' date = '2017-09-09' license = 'Apache License, Version 2.0' github = '' status = 'Production' version_string = '%s version %s (%s). Author: %s (licensed under the %s). Status: %s. GitHub: %s' % (script, version, date, copyright, license, status, github) # NOQAFoundationPlist from munki
class FoundationPlistException(Exception): """Basic exception for plist errors""" pass class NSPropertyListSerializationException(FoundationPlistException): """Read/parse error for plists""" pass def readPlist(filepath): """ Read a .plist file from filepath. Return the unpacked root object (which is usually a dictionary). """ plistData = NSData.dataWithContentsOfFile_(filepath) dataObject, dummy_plistFormat, error = ( NSPropertyListSerialization. propertyListFromData_mutabilityOption_format_errorDescription_( plistData, NSPropertyListMutableContainers, None, None)) if dataObject is None: if error: error = error.encode('ascii', 'ignore') else: error = "Unknown error" errmsg = "%s in file %s" % (error, filepath) raise NSPropertyListSerializationException(errmsg) else: return dataObject def readPlistFromString(data): '''Read a plist data from a string. Return the root object.''' try: plistData = buffer(data) except TypeError, err: raise NSPropertyListSerializationException(err) dataObject, dummy_plistFormat, error = ( NSPropertyListSerialization. propertyListFromData_mutabilityOption_format_errorDescription_( plistData, NSPropertyListMutableContainers, None, None)) if dataObject is None: if error: error = error.encode('ascii', 'ignore') else: error = "Unknown error" raise NSPropertyListSerializationException(error) else: return dataObjectRequests
class Requests(): '''Simplify url requests''' def init(self, allow_insecure=False): self.allow_insecure = allow_insecure self.timeout = 5 def response_code(self, url): try: if self.allow_insecure: return urllib2.urlopen(url, timeout=self.timeout, context=ssl.create_unverified_context()).getcode() # NOQA else: return urllib2.urlopen(url, timeout=self.timeout).getcode() except urllib2.HTTPError as e: return e.getcode() except urllib2.URLError as e: return e def get_headers(self, url): try: if self.allow_insecure: return dict(urllib2.urlopen(url, timeout=self.timeout, context=ssl._create_unverified_context()).info()) # NOQA else: return dict(urllib2.urlopen(url, timeout=self.timeout).info()) except Exception as e: return e def read_data(self, url): try: if self.allow_insecure: return urllib2.urlopen(url, timeout=self.timeout, context=ssl._create_unverified_context()).read() # NOQA else: return urllib2.urlopen(url, timeout=self.timeout).read() except Exception as e: return eAppleLoops
class AppleLoops(): ''' Manages downloads and installs of Apple audio loops for GarageBand, Logic Pro X, and MainStage. Initialisations: apps: A list, values should be any/all of: ['garageband', 'logicpro', 'mainstage'] # NOQA apps_plist: A list, values should be a specific plist to process, i.e. garageband1020.plist # NOQA These plists are found in the apps Contents/Resources folder. A local copy is kept # NOQA in case the app can't reach the remote equivalent hosted by Apple. # NOQA caching_server: A URL string to the caching server on your network. Must be formatted: destination: A string, path to save packages in, and create a DMG in (if specified). # NOQA For example: '/Users/jappleseed/Desktop/loops' Use "" to escape paths with weird characters (like spaces). If nothing is supplied, defaults to ~/Library/Logs dmg_filename: A string, filename to save the DMG as. dry_run: Boolean, when true, does a dummy run without downloading anything. # NOQA Default is True. mandatory_loops: Boolean, processes all mandatory loops as specified by Apple. # NOQA Default is False. optional_loops: Boolean, processes all optional loops as specified by Apple. # NOQA Default is False. quiet: Boolean, disables all stdout and stderr. Default is False. Replaces JSS mode in older versions. ''' def init(self, allow_insecure=False, allow_untrusted=False, apps=None, apps_plist=None, caching_server=None, debug=False, deployment_mode=False, destination='/tmp', dmg_filename=None, dry_run=True, force_deploy=False, force_dmg=False, hard_link=False, help_init=False, log_path=False, mandatory_loops=False, mirror_paths=False, muted_download=False, optional_loops=False, pkg_server=False, quiet_mode=False, space_threshold=5): # Logging if not help_init: if log_path: self.log_path = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(log_path)) # NOQA elif not log_path: self.log_path = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars('~/Library/Logs')) # NOQA self.log = logging.getLogger('appleLoops') self.debug = debug if not len(self.log.handlers): self.log_file = os.path.join(self.log_path, 'appleLoops.log') if self.debug: self.log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: self.log.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.fh = RotatingFileHandler(self.log_file, maxBytes=(10485765), backupCount=7) # NOQA Logs capped at ~5MB self.log_format = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s") # NOQA self.fh.setFormatter(self.log_format) self.log.addHandler(self.fh) # Dry run, yo. self.dry_run = dry_run # Forces a re-download and install attempt even if loops are installed self.force_deploy = force_deploy # Mutes the download progress bar self.muted_download = muted_download # Exit codes for when things go bad self.exit_codes = { 'root': [3, 'Must be root to run in deployment mode.'], 'config_read': [4, 'Unable to read configuration file ####'], 'cache_srv_format': [5, 'Invalid caching server URL format. Must be'], # NOQA 'apps_plist_combo': [6, 'Cannot use --apps or --plists with --deployment'], # NOQA 'plist_deployment_combo': [7, 'Cannot use --plists or --deployment with --apps'], # NOQA 'apps_deployment_combo': [8, 'Cannot use --apps or --deployment with --plists'], # NOQA 'freespace_threshold': [9, 'Not enough free space to install packages with value of #### provided by --threshold'], # NOQA 'insufficient_freespace': [10, 'Insufficient free space to download and install packages'], # NOQA 'nospace': [11, 'No loops will be installed. Install exceeds available free space of ####'], # NOQA 'loop_types': [12, 'Must specify -m/--mandatory or -o/--optional or both to download loops.'], # NOQA 'dmg_file_exists': [13, '#### file already exists.'], 'end_in_plist': [14, 'Specified argument must end with .plist'], # NOQA 'no_cache_connection': [15, 'Test connection to caching server failed.'], # NOQA 'no_pkg_srv_connection': [16, 'Test connection to local package server failed.'], # NOQA 'not_all_loops_installed': [17, 'Not all loops installed: ####'], # NOQA 'general_exception': [18, 'Exception: ####'], 'remove_dmg': [19, 'Could not remove file ####'], } # If deployment mode, and not a dry run, must be root to install loops. if deployment_mode: if not self.dry_run: if os.getuid() == 0: self.deployment_mode = True else: self.exit('root') else: self.deployment_mode = True else: self.deployment_mode = False # Allows the --insecure flag to be used with curl self.allow_insecure = allow_insecure # Allow install with untrusted certs # Default is not to allow pkg installs with untrusted certs self.allow_untrusted = allow_untrusted # Initialise requests self.request = Requests(allow_insecure=self.allow_insecure) # Setup pkg_server if pkg_server: # Don't need a trailing / in this address if any([pkg_server.startswith('http://'), pkg_server.startswith('https://')]): # NOQA self.pkg_server = pkg_server.rstrip('/') elif pkg_server == 'munki': try: # This is the standard location for the munki client config # NOQA self.pkg_server = readPlist('/Library/Preferences/ManagedInstalls.plist')['SoftwareRepoURL'] # NOQA self.printlog('Found munki ManagedInstalls.plist, using SoftwareRepoURL %s' % self.pkg_server) # NOQA except: # If we can't find a munki server, fallback to using # Apple's servers. self.pkg_server = False self.printlog('Falling back to use Apple servers for package downloads.') # NOQA else: # If nothing is provided self.pkg_server = False if not help_init: self.log.debug('No package server provided, falling back to use Apple servers for package downloads.') # NOQA # Read in configuration self.github_url = '' # NOQA self.config_file_path = 'com.github.carlashley.appleLoops.configuration.plist' # NOQA # Read configuration file # Test if pkg_server hosted version exists # Fall back to github version if it doesn't # Fall back to local copy if all else fails # Finally exit with error if nothing works try: # If there is a pkg_server specified, try this first if self.pkg_server: self.configuration_file = os.path.join(self.pkg_server, self.config_file_path) # NOQA elif not self.pkg_server: self.configuration_file = os.path.join(self.github_url, self.config_file_path) # NOQA # Test if either URL's work if self.configuration_file.startswith('http') and self.request.response_code(self.configuration_file) == 200: # NOQA configuration = self.request.read_data(self.configuration_file) # NOQA # For some reason, munki readPlistFromString doesn't play well with getting this plist, so reverting to plistlib. # NOQA self.configuration = plistlib.readPlistFromString(configuration) # NOQA else: try: self.configuration_file = self.config_file_path self.configuration = plistlib.readPlist(self.configuration_file) # NOQA except: self.exit('config_read', custom_msg=self.configuration_file) # NOQA except Exception as e: self.log.debug(e) self.exit('config_read', custom_msg=self.configuration_file) # Supported apps self.supported_apps = ['garageband', 'logicpro', 'mainstage'] # Base URLs # If A pkg_server has been specified, and the test for falling # back to a self hosted config has worked, then use the self # hosted plists as fallback self.base_url = '' # NOQA # Configure alt base url if self.pkg_server: self.alt_base_url = os.path.join(self.pkg_server, 'lp10_ms3_content_') # NOQA else: self.alt_base_url = '' # NOQA # GarageBand loops self.garageband_loop_year = self.configuration['loop_feeds']['garageband']['loop_year'] # NOQA self.garageband_loop_plists = self.configuration['loop_feeds']['garageband']['plists'] # NOQA # To ensure correct version order, sort this list self.garageband_loop_plists.sort() # Logic Pro X loops self.logicpro_loop_year = self.configuration['loop_feeds']['logicpro']['loop_year'] # NOQA self.logicpro_loop_plists = self.configuration['loop_feeds']['logicpro']['plists'] # NOQA # To ensure correct version order, sort this list self.logicpro_loop_plists.sort() # MainStage loops self.mainstage_loop_year = self.configuration['loop_feeds']['mainstage']['loop_year'] # NOQA self.mainstage_loop_plists = self.configuration['loop_feeds']['mainstage']['plists'] # NOQA # To ensure correct version order, sort this list self.mainstage_loop_plists.sort() # List of supported plists for help output. self.supported_plists = [] self.supported_plists.extend(self.garageband_loop_plists) self.supported_plists.extend(self.logicpro_loop_plists) self.supported_plists.extend(self.mainstage_loop_plists) self.supported_plists = [str(plist) for plist in list(set(self.supported_plists))] # NOQA self.supported_plists.sort() # Don't need to do a bunch of stuff just for help output. if not help_init: # Initialise with appropriate 'arguments' if apps: self.apps = apps else: self.apps = False if apps_plist: self.apps_plist = apps_plist else: self.apps_plist = False if caching_server: if caching_server.startswith('http://'): self.caching_server = caching_server.rstrip('/') # Test if the caching server provides a valid response # Set to false if it doesn't try: # The caching service should send back a HTTP bad request status code if it exists # NOQA if self.request.response_code(self.caching_server) != 400: # NOQA self.printlog('Caching server test failed, falling back to Apple servers.') # NOQA self.caching_server = False except: self.printlog('Caching server test failed, falling back to Apple servers.') # NOQA self.caching_server = False else: self.exit('cache_srv_format') else: self.caching_server = False if destination: # Expand any vars/user paths self.destination = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(destination)) # NOQA # Set dmg root destination dmg_root_dest = os.path.dirname(self.destination) # NOQA if dmg_filename: # self.dmg_filename = os.path.join(dmg_root_dest, 'appleLoops_%s.dmg' % strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) # NOQA self.dmg_filename = os.path.join(dmg_root_dest, dmg_filename) # NOQA else: self.dmg_filename = False # Forces the creation of a DMG file if one already exists self.force_dmg = force_dmg self.mandatory_loops = mandatory_loops self.mirror_paths = mirror_paths self.optional_loops = optional_loops self.quiet_mode = quiet_mode self.user_agent = '%s/%s' % (self.configuration['user_agent'], version) # NOQA # Determines if file copy or hard link (to reduce disk usage) self.hard_link = hard_link # Creating a list of files found in destination self.files_found = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.destination, topdown=True): for name in files: if name.endswith('.pkg'): file = os.path.join(root, name) if _file not in self.files_found: self.files_found.append(_file) # Named tuple for loops self.Loop = namedtuple('Loop', ['pkg_name', 'pkg_url', 'pkg_mandatory', 'pkg_size', 'pkg_install_size', 'pkg_year', 'pkg_loop_for', 'pkg_plist', 'pkg_id', 'pkg_installed', 'pkg_destination', 'pkg_local_ver', 'pkg_remote_ver']) # Dictionary for total download size and install sizes # This must be in bytes. # The threshold value is how much space to make sure is free. self.size_info = { 'download_total': int(0), 'install_total': int(0), 'available_space': int(0), } if space_threshold and type(space_threshold) is int: self.space_threshold = space_threshold self.size_info['reserved_space'] = self.percentage(self.space_threshold, self.space_available()) # NOQA self.size_info['new_available_space'] = (self.space_available() - self.size_info['reserved_space']) # NOQA else: self.space_threshold = False self.size_info['new_available_space'] = self.space_available() if self.dry_run: self.size_info['available_space'] = self.space_available() # Maintain a summary of actions taken in deployment mode self.deployment_summary = { 'failed_installs': [], 'successful_installs': 0, 'downloaded_amount': 0, 'install_size': 0, } def exit(self, error, custom_msg=None): exit_code = self.exit_codes[error][0] error_msg = self.exit_codes[error][1] if custom_msg: error_msg = error_msg.replace('####', custom_msg) print error_msg'sys.exit(%s) - %s' % (exit_code, error_msg)) sys.exit(exit_code) def printlog(self, message): print message def main_processor(self): # Some feedback to stdout for CLI use if not self.quiet_mode: if self.mirror_paths: if not self.dry_run: self.printlog('Loops downloading to: %s (mirroring Apple folder structure.)' % self.destination) # NOQA else: self.printlog('Dry run - loops download to: %s (mirroring Apple folder structure.)' % self.destination) # NOQA else: if not self.dry_run: self.printlog('Loops downloading to: %s' % self.destination) # NOQA else: self.printlog('Dry run - loops download to: %s' % self.destination) # NOQA if self.caching_server: self.printlog('Caching server: %s' % self.caching_server) if self.dmg_filename: self.printlog('DMG path: %s' % self.dmg_filename) # If there are local plists, lets get the basenames because # this will be useful for munki install runs. # This globs the path for the local plist, which is a blunt # approach. If Apple changes the filenames for any of these # apps, this approach will fail spectacularly. Will need to # Find a better way of approaching this. # deployment_mode should only be used by itself. if self.deployment_mode: if not any([self.apps, self.apps_plist]): for app in self.supported_apps: try: # Test if the plist for the app can be found, if not log the app doesn't appear to be installed. # NOQA if len(glob(self.configuration['loop_feeds'][app]['app_path'])) > 0: # NOQA urls = self.plist_url(app) self.process_pkgs(self.get_feed(, urls.fallback)) # NOQA else: self.printlog('Skipping %s as it does not appear to be installed.' % app) # NOQA pass except Exception as e: # Any exception raised here is probably a more # "serious" exception other than an app not installed. self.log.debug(traceback.format_exc()) self.log.debug('Exception: %s' % e) raise e if self.dry_run: print('-' 15) # NOQA if all([self.deployment_summary['successful_installs'], len(self.deployment_summary['failed_installs']), self.deployment_summary['install_size']]) == 0: # NOQA self.printlog('Nothing to install.') # NOQA sys.exit(0) else: self.printlog('Download total size: %s Install total size: %s' % (self.convert_size(self.size_info['download_total']), self.convert_size(self.size_info['install_total']))) # NOQA if self.space_threshold: self.printlog('Free space (threshold applied): %s' % self.convert_size(self.size_info['new_available_space'])) # NOQA self.printlog('Protected free space: %s' % self.convert_size(self.size_info['reserved_space'])) # NOQA if self.size_info['install_total'] < self.size_info['new_available_space']: # NOQA self.printlog('All loops will be installed, sufficient free space') # NOQA else: self.exit('freespace_threshold', custom_msg=self.convert_size(self.size_info['reserved_space'])) # NOQA if not self.space_threshold: self.printlog('Free space: %s' % self.convert_size(self.space_available())) # NOQA if self.size_info['install_total'] < self.space_available(): # NOQA self.printlog('All loops will be installed, sufficient free space') # NOQA else: self.exit('nospace', custom_msg=self.convert_size(self.space_available())) # NOQA if not self.dry_run: summary_msg = 'Installed %s packages, downloaded %s, install size %s' % (self.deployment_summary['successful_installs'], # NOQA self.convert_size(self.deployment_summary['downloaded_amount']), # NOQA self.convert_size(self.deployment_summary['install_size'])) # NOQA self.printlog(summary_msg) if len(self.deployment_summary['failed_installs']) > 0: # NOQA self.exit('not_all_loops_installed', custom_msg=', '.join(self.deployment_summary['failed_installs'])) # NOQA else: self.exit('apps_plist_combo') # Handle where just an app name is provided. This will default # to getting the loop content for the latest version. if self.apps: # Check if .plist exists in self.apps if '.plist' in self.apps: print self.apps self.apps = [x.replace('.plist', '') for x in self.apps] print self.apps # print 'Please remove the .plist extension.' # sys.exit(1) if not any([self.apps_plist, self.deployment_mode]): for app in self.apps: if any(app in x for x in self.supported_apps): # NOQA if 'garageband' in app: for plist in self.garageband_loop_plists: apple_url = '%s%s/%s' % (self.base_url, self.garageband_loop_year, plist) # NOQA fallback_url = '%s%s/%s' % (self.alt_base_url, self.garageband_loop_year, plist) # NOQA self.process_pkgs(self.get_feed(apple_url, fallback_url)) # NOQA if 'logicpro' in app: for plist in self.logicpro_loop_plists: apple_url = '%s%s/%s' % (self.base_url, self.logicpro_loop_year, plist) # NOQA fallback_url = '%s%s/%s' % (self.alt_base_url, self.logicpro_loop_year, plist) # NOQA self.process_pkgs(self.get_feed(apple_url, fallback_url)) # NOQA if 'mainstage' in app: for plist in self.mainstage_loop_plists: apple_url = '%s%s/%s' % (self.base_url, self.mainstage_loop_year, plist) # NOQA fallback_url = '%s%s/%s' % (self.alt_base_url, self.mainstage_loop_year, plist) # NOQA self.process_pkgs(self.get_feed(apple_url, fallback_url)) # NOQA else: self.exit('plist_deployment_combo') if self.apps_plist: if not any([self.apps, self.deployment_mode]): for plist in self.apps_plist: # Strip numbers from plist name to get app name app = ''.join(map(lambda c: '' if c in '0123456789' else c, plist.replace('.plist', ''))) # NOQA app_year = self.configuration['loop_feeds'][app]['loop_year'] # NOQA apple_url = '%s%s/%s' % (self.base_url, app_year, plist) fallback_url = '%s%s/%s' % (self.alt_base_url, app_year, plist) # NOQA self.process_pkgs(self.get_feed(apple_url, fallback_url)) # NOQA else: self.exit('apps_deployment_combo') if self.dmg_filename: self.build_dmg(self.dmg_filename) # Functions def plist_url(self, app): '''Returns a namedtuple with the Apple URL and a fallback URL. These URLs are the feed containing the pkg info.''' # NOQA if self.deployment_mode: app_year = '2016' else: app_year = self.configuration['loop_feeds'][app]['loop_year'] # If we can glob the plist file, the app is probably installed. # Return False if no glob matches. if len(glob(self.configuration['loop_feeds'][app]['app_path'])) > 0: app_plist = os.path.basename(glob(self.configuration['loop_feeds'][app]['app_path'])[0]) # NOQA apple_url = '%s%s/%s' % (self.base_url, app_year, app_plist) # NOQA fallback_url = '%s%s/%s' % (self.alt_base_url, app_year, app_plist) PlistURLs = namedtuple('PlistURls', ['apple', 'fallback']) if not self.quiet_mode: self.printlog('Processing loops from: %s' % app_plist) return PlistURLs( apple=apple_url, fallback=fallback_url ) else: # App plist not found, return False return False def get_feed(self, apple_url, fallback_url): '''Returns the feed as a dictionary from either the Apple URL or the fallback URL, pending result code.''' # NOQA # Initalise request, and check for 404's apple_url_request = self.request.response_code(apple_url) fallback_url_request = self.request.response_code(fallback_url) if apple_url_request == 404: # Use fallback URL self.log.debug('Falling back to alternate feed: %s' % fallback_url) # NOQA if fallback_url_request == 200: req = { 'app_feed_file': os.path.basename(fallback_url), 'result': readPlistFromString(self.request.read_data(fallback_url)) # NOQA } return req else:'There was a problem trying to reach %s' % fallback_url) # NOQA return Exception('There was a problem trying to reach %s' % fallback_url) # NOQA elif apple_url_request == 200: # Use Apple URL req = { 'app_feed_file': os.path.basename(apple_url), 'result': readPlistFromString(self.request.read_data(apple_url)) # NOQA } return req else:'There was a problem trying to reach %s' % apple_url) # NOQA return Exception('There was a problem trying to reach %s' % apple_url) # NOQA def process_pkgs(self, app_feed_dict): # Specific part of the app_feed_dict to process loops = [] packages = app_feed_dict['result']['Packages'] # Values to put in the Loop named tuple - lambda strips numbers from name # NOQA pkg_loop_for = ''.join(map(lambda c: '' if c in '0123456789' else c, os.path.splitext(app_feed_dict['app_feed_file'])[0])) # NOQA _pkg_plist = app_feed_dict['app_feed_file'] _pkg_year = self.configuration['loop_feeds'][_pkg_loop_for]['loop_year'] # NOQA for pkg in packages: _pkg_name = packages[pkg]['DownloadName'] _pkg_url = '%s%s/%s' % (self.base_url, _pkg_year, _pkg_name) # Reformat URL if caching server specified if self.caching_server: _pkg_url = urlparse(_pkg_url) _pkg_url = '%s%s?source=%s' % (self.caching_server, _pkg_url.path, _pkg_url.netloc) # NOQA _pkg_destination_folder_year = _pkg_year # Some package names start with ../lp10_ms3_content_2013/ if _pkg_name.startswith('../'): # When setting the destination path for mirroring, need to have the correct year # NOQA if '2013' in _pkg_name and self.mirror_paths: _pkg_destination_folder_year = '2013' _pkg_url = '' % _pkg_name[3:] # NOQA _pkg_name = os.path.basename(_pkg_name) # If pkg_server is true, and deployment_mode has a list, use that # instead of Apple servers. Important note, the pkg_server must # have the samelp10_ms3_content_YYYY
folder structure. i.e. # # This can be achieved by using the--mirror-paths
option when # running and then copying the resulting folders # to the munki repo. if self.pkg_server and self.deployment_mode: if not self.caching_server: # Test each package path if pkg_server is provided, fallback if not reachable # NOQA if self.request.response_code(_pkg_url.replace('', self.pkg_server)) == 200: # NOQA _pkg_url = _pkg_url.replace('', self.pkg_server) # NOQA # Mandatory or optional try: _pkg_mandatory = packages[pkg]['IsMandatory'] except: _pkg_mandatory = False # Package size try: # Use int type to avoid exception errors. _pkg_size = int(self.request.get_headers(_pkg_url)['content-length']) # NOQA except: _pkg_size = None # Installed size in bytes try: # Use int type to avoid exception errors. _pkg_install_size = int(packages[pkg]['InstalledSize']) except: _pkg_install_size = None # Some package ID's seem to have a '. ' in them which is a typo. _pkg_id = packages[pkg]['PackageID'].replace('. ', '.') # If this is a deployment run, return if the package is # already installed on the machine, pkg version, and pkg ID # Apple doesn't include any package version information in # the feed, so can't compare if updates are required. if self.deployment_mode: if not self.force_deploy: _pkg_installed = self.loop_installed(_pkg_id) elif self.force_deploy: _pkg_installed = False elif not self.deployment_mode: _pkg_installed = False # If pkg installed, get version # Local version is an awful version string to compare: # NOQA if _pkg_installed: _pkg_local_ver = self.local_version(_pkg_id) _pkg_local_ver = '.'.join(str(_pkg_local_ver).split('.')[:3]) # Get the remote package version if it exists try: # Apple uses long type, but need to make it a number then a string to compare with Loose/StrictVersion() # NOQA _pkg_remote_ver = str(float(packages[pkg]['PackageVersion'])) # NOQA except: _pkg_remote_ver = '0.0.0' else: # Don't need to worry about pkg versions if not installed. _pkg_local_ver = '0.0.0' _pkg_remote_ver = '0.0.0' # Do a version check to handle any pkgs that are upgrades # Need to try Loose/Strict as version could be either try: if LooseVersion(_pkg_local_ver) < LooseVersion(_pkg_remote_ver): # NOQA'%s needs upgrading (based on LooseVersion())' % _pkg_name) # NOQA _pkg_installed = False except: try: if StrictVersion(_pkg_local_ver) < StrictVersion(_pkg_remote_ver): # NOQA'%s needs upgrading (based on StrictVersion())' % _pkg_name) # NOQA _pkg_installed = False except: # Presume pkg not installed if both version tests fail _pkg_installed = False _pkg_local_ver = '0.0.0' _pkg_remote_ver = '0.0.0' if self.destination: # The base folder will be the app name and version, i.e. garageband1020 # NOQA _base_folder = os.path.splitext(app_feed_dict['app_feed_file'])[0] # NOQA if _pkg_mandatory: _pkg_destination = os.path.join(self.destination, _base_folder, 'mandatory', _pkg_name) # NOQA else: _pkg_destination = os.path.join(self.destination, _base_folder, 'optional', _pkg_name) # NOQA # If the output is being mirrored if self.mirror_paths: _pkg_destination = os.path.join(self.destination, 'lp10_ms3_content%s' % pkg_destination_folder_year, _pkg_name) # NOQA if self.deployment_mode: # To avoid any folders that we can't delete being created, in deployment_mode, destination is the/tmp
folder # NOQA _pkg_destination = os.path.join('/tmp', _pkg_name) loop = self.Loop( pkg_name=_pkg_name, pkg_url=_pkg_url, pkg_mandatory=_pkg_mandatory, pkg_size=_pkg_size, pkg_install_size=_pkg_install_size, pkg_year=_pkg_year, pkg_loop_for=_pkg_loop_for, pkg_plist=_pkg_plist, pkg_id=_pkg_id, pkg_installed=_pkg_installed, pkg_destination=_pkg_destination, pkg_local_ver=_pkg_local_ver, pkg_remote_ver=_pkg_remote_ver, ) if loop not in loops: # Appending to a list allows the free disk space/threshold # checks to work loops.append(loop) self.log.debug(loop) # Internal method to check if download/download+install takes place def download_or_install(loop_pkg): '''Internal function to download/install depending on arguments''' # NOQA if self.space_threshold and not self.dry_run: if self.size_info['install_total'] >= self.size_info['new_available_space']: # NOQA self.exit('freespace_threshold') if self.deployment_mode: if not loop_pkg.pkg_installed: # Check available space is sufficient to download and install # NOQA if sum([loop_pkg.pkg_size, loop_pkg.pkg_install_size]) < self.space_available(): # NOQA self.install_pkg(loop_pkg) else: self.exit('insufficient_freespace') else: # Only download if this isn't a deployment run if not self.deployment_mode: def update_pkg_sizes(loop): # Only add download and install size info if # the package is not installed or needs upgrading if not loop.pkg_installed: self.size_info['download_total'] = self.size_info['download_total'] loop.pkg_size # NOQA self.size_info['install_total'] = self.size_info['install_total'] loop.pkg_install_size # NOQA # To be able to check if a loop is within threshold/free disk space # iterate over the loops for _loop in loops: # Only care about mandatory or optional, because other arguments are taken care of elsewhere. # NOQA if any([self.mandatory_loops, self.optional_loops]): # If mandatory argument supplied and loop is mandatory if self.mandatory_loops and _loop.pkg_mandatory: # NOQA update_pkg_sizes(_loop) download_or_install(_loop) # If optional argument supplied and loop is optional if self.optional_loops and not _loop.pkg_mandatory: # NOQA update_pkg_sizes(_loop) download_or_install(_loop) else: self.exit('loop_types') def space_available(self): cmd = ['/usr/sbin/diskutil', 'info', '-plist', '/'] (result, error) = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate() # NOQA # Return an int return int(plistlib.readPlistFromString(result)['FreeSpace']) def loop_installed(self, pkg_id): '''Returns if a package is installed''' cmd = ['/usr/sbin/pkgutil', '--pkg-info-plist', pkg_id] (result, error) = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate() # NOQA if result: # need to use plistlib as this doesn't cause issues with tests _pkg_id = plistlib.readPlistFromString(result)['pkgid'] if pkg_id in _pkg_id: return True else: return False else: return False def local_version(self, pkg_id): cmd = ['/usr/sbin/pkgutil', '--pkg-info-plist', pkg_id] (result, error) = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate() # NOQA if result: try: ver = plistlib.readPlistFromString(result)['pkg-version'] except: # If the plist can't be read, or throws an exception, the package is probably not installed. # NOQA ver = '0.0.0' if error: # If there is an error, then the package is probably not installed. # Unlikely to happen, because Apple seems to send stderr to stdout here. # NOQA ver = '0.0.0' return ver def download(self, pkg): # The mighty power of curl. Using-L -C - <url>
to resume the download if a file exists. # NOQA curl = ['/usr/bin/curl'] insecure = ['--insecure'] silent = ['--silent'] progress = ['--progress-bar'] common_args = ['-L', '-C', '-', pkg.pkg_url, '--create-dirs', '-o', pkg.pkg_destination, '--user-agent', self.user_agent] # NOQA download_log_msg = '%s (Package size: %s Install size: %s)' % (pkg.pkg_name, self.convert_size(int(pkg.pkg_size)), self.convert_size(pkg.pkg_install_size)) # NOQA # Create the comand if self.allow_insecure: curl.extend(insecure) if self.quiet_mode or self.muted_download: silent.extend(common_args) curl.extend(silent) else: progress.extend(common_args) curl.extend(progress) # After extending the curl list, now make it the cmd to be used cmd = curl # Handling duplicates if not os.path.exists(pkg.pkg_destination): # Test if there is a duplicate. This also copies duplicates. try: self.duplicate_file_exists(pkg) except: # Exception as e: # Log if the pkg url has fallen back direct to Apple in circumstances # NOQA if (self.pkg_server and '' in pkg.pkg_url) or (self.caching_server and '?source=' not in pkg.pkg_url): # NOQA'Falling back to Apple server for %s download' % pkg.pkg_name) # NOQA # Use the exception to kick the download process. if self.dry_run: if not self.quiet_mode: if not self.deployment_mode or not pkg.pkg_installed: if self.force_deploy: self.printlog('Force download: %s' % download_log_msg) # NOQA else: self.printlog('Download: %s' % download_log_msg) # NOQA # Add this to self.files_found so we can test on the next go around # NOQA if self.files_found: if pkg.pkg_destination not in self.files_found: self.files_found.append(pkg.pkg_destination) else: if not self.quiet_mode: # Do some quick tests if pkg_server is specified if self.force_deploy: self.printlog('Force downloading: %s' % download_log_msg) # NOQA else: self.printlog('Downloading: %s' % download_log_msg) # For some reason this was indented into the above not self.quiet, it shouldn't be # NOQA subprocess.check_call(cmd) # Update summary report self.deployment_summary['downloaded_amount'] = self.deployment_summary['downloaded_amount'] pkg.pkg_size # NOQA # Add this to self.files_found so we can test on the next go around # NOQA if self.files_found: if pkg.pkg_destination not in self.files_found: self.files_found.append(pkg.pkg_destination) elif os.path.exists(pkg.pkg_destination): if not self.quiet_mode: self.printlog('Skipping %s' % pkg.pkg_name) def percentage(self, percentage, value): '''Returns the calculated percentage of the provided value''' if percentage < 100: return (int(percentage) int(value)) / 100 else: return (int(percentage) 99 / 100) def convert_size(self, file_size, precision=2): '''Converts the package file size into a human readable number.''' try: suffixes = ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'] suffix_index = 0 while file_size > 1024 and suffix_index < 4: suffix_index = 1 file_size = file_size/1024.0 return '%.f %s' % (precision, file_size, suffixes[suffix_index]) # NOQA except Exception: # Yes, an exception can occur, but ignore it pass def duplicate_file_exists(self, pkg): '''Simple test to see if a duplicate file exists elsewhere. This uses exceptions to indicate an item needs to be downloaded.''' # Don't need to check if in deployment mode, all files downloaded anyway # NOQA if not self.deployment_mode: if len(self.files_found) > 0: for source_file in self.files_found: if pkg.pkg_name in os.path.basename(source_file): # NOQA if self.dry_run: if self.hard_link: self.printlog('Hard link existing file: %s' % pkg.pkg_name) # NOQA else: self.printlog('Copy existing file: %s' % pkg.pkg_name) # NOQA # If not a dry run, do the thing if not self.dry_run: if not os.path.exists(pkg.pkg_destination): # Make destination folder if it doesn't exist try: if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(pkg.pkg_destination)): # NOQA os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(pkg.pkg_destination)) # NOQA self.log.debug('Created %s to store packages.' % os.path.dirname(pkg.pkg_destination)) # NOQA except Exception as e: self.exit('general_exception', custom_msg=e) # NOQA # Try to hard link or copy the file if self.hard_link: try: # Create a hard link to save space, pkg.pkg_destination) # NOQA if not self.quiet_mode: self.printlog('Hard link existing file: %s' % pkg.pkg_name) # NOQA except Exception as e: self.exit('general_exception', custom_msg=e) # NOQA else: try: shutil.copy2(source_file, pkg.pkg_destination) # NOQA if not self.quiet_mode: self.printlog('Copied existing file: %s' % pkg.pkg_name) # NOQA except Exception as e: self.exit('general_exception', custom_msg=e) # NOQA # Be explicit about not matching any item in self.files_found here, otherwise excessive downloads # NOQA elif not any(x.endswith(pkg.pkg_name) for x in self.files_found): # NOQA # Raise exception if the file doesn't match any files discovered in self.found_files # NOQA # Don't need to exit on this exception because this is a trigger for downloading # NOQA self.log.debug('%s does not exist in found files.' % pkg.pkg_name) # NOQA raise Exception('%s does not exist in found files.' % pkg.pkg_name) # NOQA else: error_msg = 'Loop %s not found in download path, assuming not downloaded.' % pkg.pkg_name # NOQA self.log.debug(error_msg) # Don't need to exit on this exception because this is a trigger for downloading # NOQA raise Exception(error_msg) elif self.deployment_mode: # Still need to raise an exception to trigger a download # Don't need to exit on this exception because this is a trigger for downloading # NOQA raise Exception('Deployment mode download') def install_pkg(self, pkg, target=None): '''Installs the package onto the system when used in deployment mode. Attempts to install then delete the downloaded package.''' # Only install if the package isn't already installed. if not pkg.pkg_installed: if not target: target = '/' def failed_install(pkg): # Update the failed_installs list if pkg.pkg_name not in self.deployment_summary['failed_installs']: # NOQA self.deployment_summary['failed_installs'].append(pkg.pkg_name) # NOQA def successful_install(pkg): self.deployment_summary['successful_installs'] = self.deployment_summary['successful_installs'] 1 # NOQA self.deployment_summary['install_size'] = self.deployment_summary['install_size'] pkg.pkg_install_size # NOQA base_cmd = ['/usr/sbin/installer'] untrusted = ['-allowUntrusted'] pkg_args = ['-pkg', pkg.pkg_destination, '-target', target] # If allow untrusted is set, extend base_cmd # Allow untrusted is useful if the Apple cert has expired, but is not necessarily best practice. # NOQA if self.allow_untrusted:'Argument --allowUntrusted in use for: %s' % pkg.pkg_name) # NOQA base_cmd.extend(untrusted) # Extend base_cmd with the package arguments base_cmd.extend(pkg_args) # Build the cmd cmd = base_cmd if self.dry_run: if pkg.pkg_install_size < self.size_info['available_space']: if self.force_deploy: self.printlog(' Force install: %s' % pkg.pkg_name) # NOQA else: self.printlog(' Install: %s' % pkg.pkg_name) # NOQA self.size_info['available_space'] = (self.size_info['available_space'] - pkg.pkg_install_size) # NOQA elif pkg.pkg_install_size > self.size_info['available_space']: self.printlog(' Cannot install (insufficient space): %s' % pkg.pkg_name) # NOQA if not self.dry_run: self.log.debug('Not in dry run, so attempting to install %s' % pkg.pkg_name) # NOQA if self.force_deploy: self.printlog(' Force installing: %s' % pkg.pkg_name) else: self.printlog(' Installing: %s' % pkg.pkg_name) (result, error) = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate() # NOQA if 'successful' in result: self.printlog(' Installed: %s' % pkg.pkg_name) successful_install(pkg) try: os.remove(pkg.pkg_destination) except Exception as e: self.exit('general_exception', custom_msg=e) elif 'upgrade' in result: self.printlog('Upgraded: %s' % pkg.pkg_name) successful_install(pkg) try: os.remove(pkg.pkg_destination) except Exception as e: self.exit('general_exception', custom_msg=e) else: self.log.debug('Install does not appear to be successful: %s' % result) # NOQA failed_install(pkg) try: self.log.debug('Attempting to remove %s after install was not successful.' % pkg.pkg_name) # NOQA os.remove(pkg.pkg_destination) except Exception as e: self.log.debug('Error removing package after install failure: %s' % e) # NOQA if error or any(x in result.lower() for x in ['fail', 'failed']): # NOQA self.printlog('Install failed, check /var/log/installer.log for any info: %s' % pkg.pkg_name) # NOQA failed_install(pkg) self.log.debug('Install error: %s' % error) try: os.remove(pkg.pkg_destination) except Exception as e: self.log.debug(traceback.format_exc()) self.exit('general_exception', custom_msg=e) def build_dmg(self, dmg_filename): '''Builds a DMG. Default filename is appleLoops_YYYY-MM-DD.dmg.''' # NOQA cmd = ['/usr/bin/hdiutil', 'create', '-volname', 'appleLoops', '-srcfolder', self.destination, dmg_filename] # NOQA if self.dry_run: if not self.quiet_mode: print 'Build %s from %s' % (dmg_filename, self.destination) else: if not os.path.exists(dmg_filename): if not self.quiet_mode: self.printlog('Building %s' % dmg_filename) subprocess.check_call(cmd) else: if self.force_dmg: try: self.printlog('Removing DMG %s' % dmg_filename) self.printlog('Building %s' % dmg_filename) os.remove(dmg_filename) subprocess.check_call(cmd) except: self.exit('remove_dmg', custom_msg=dmg_filename) else: self.exit('dmg_file_exists', custom_msg=dmg_filename)Main!
def main(): class SaneUsageFormat(argparse.HelpFormatter): """ Makes the help output somewhat more sane. Code used was from Matt Wilkie. """ def _format_action_invocation(self, action): if not action.option_strings: default = self._get_default_metavar_for_positional(action) metavar, = self._metavar_formatter(action, default)(1) return metavar else: parts = [] # if the Optional doesn't take a value, format is: # -s, --long if action.nargs == 0: parts.extend(action.option_strings) # if the Optional takes a value, format is: # -s ARGS, --long ARGS else: default = self._get_default_metavar_for_optional(action) args_string = self._format_args(action, default) for option_string in action.option_strings: parts.append(option_string) return '%s %s' % (', '.join(parts), args_string) return ', '.join(parts) def _get_default_metavar_for_optional(self, action): return action.dest.upper() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=SaneUsageFormat) modes_exclusive_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() server_exclusive_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() modes_exclusive_group.add_argument( '--apps', type=str, nargs='', dest='apps', metavar='<app>', help='Processes all loops for all releases of specified apps.', required=False ) parser.add_argument( '--allow-insecure', action='store_true', dest='allow_insecure', help='Uses --inscure flag for curl for https.', required=False ) parser.add_argument( '--allow-untrusted', action='store_true', dest='allow_untrusted', help='Uses the --allowUntrasted flag for installer', required=False ) parser.add_argument( '-b', '--build-dmg', type=str, nargs=1, dest='dmg_filename', metavar='dmg_filename.dmg', help='Builds a DMG of the downloaded content.', required=False ) server_exclusive_group.add_argument( '-c', '--cache-server', type=str, nargs=1, dest='cache_server', metavar='', help='Use cache server to download content through', required=False ) parser.add_argument( '-d', '--destination', type=str, nargs=1, dest='destination', metavar='<folder>', help='Download location for loops content', required=False ) parser.add_argument( '--debug', action='store_true', dest='debug', help='Switch logging to debug level.', required=False ) modes_exclusive_group.add_argument( '--deployment', action='store_true', dest='deployment', help='Runs in deployment mode (download and install loops).', # NOQA required=False ) parser.add_argument( '--force-deploy', action='store_true', dest='force_deploy', help='Force deployment of packages regardless of install state', # NOQA required=False ) parser.add_argument( '--force-dmg', action='store_true', dest='force_dmg', help='Overwrites existing DMG if the file already exists.', required=False ) parser.add_argument( '--hard-link', action='store_true', dest='hard_link', help='Create hard links instead of copying files. Use this to save disk space.', # NOQA required=False ) parser.add_argument( '--log-path', type=str, nargs=1, dest='log_path', metavar='<path>', help='Folder path for logging', required=False ) parser.add_argument( '-m', '--mandatory-only', action='store_true', dest='mandatory', help='Download mandatory content only', required=False ) parser.add_argument( '--mirror-paths', action='store_true', dest='mirror', help='Mirror the Apple server paths in the destination.', required=False ) parser.add_argument( '--mute-progress-bar', action='store_true', dest='muted_download', help='Disable the download progress bar', required=False ) parser.add_argument( '-n', '--dry-run', action='store_true', dest='dry_run', help='Dry run to indicate what will be downloaded', required=False ) parser.add_argument( '-o', '--optional-only', action='store_true', dest='optional', help='Download optional content only', required=False ) server_exclusive_group.add_argument( '--pkg-server', type=str, nargs=1, dest='pkg_server', metavar='', help='Specify http server where loops are stored in your local environment.', # NOQA required=False ) modes_exclusive_group.add_argument( '--plists', type=str, nargs='', dest='plists', metavar=AppleLoops(help_init=True).supported_plists, # metavar='<plist>', help='Processes all loops in specified plists.', required=False ) parser.add_argument( '-t', '--threshold', type=int, nargs=1, dest='threshold', metavar='<percentage>', help='Percentage of space to keep free. Integer only.', required=False ) parser.add_argument( '-q', '--quiet', action='store_true', dest='quiet', help='No output.', required=False ) parser.add_argument( '-v', '--version', action='store_true', dest='version', help='Displays information.', required=False ) args = parser.parse_args() if len(sys.argv) > 1: if args.version: print version_string sys.exit(0) if args.allow_insecure: _allow_insecure = True else: _allow_insecure = False if args.allow_untrusted: _allow_untrusted = True else: _allow_untrusted = False if args.apps: _apps = args.apps else: _apps = None if args.dmg_filename: _dmg_filename = args.dmg_filename[0] else: _dmg_filename = None if args.force_dmg: _force_dmg = args.force_dmg else: _force_dmg = False if args.cache_server: # NOQA _cache_server = args.cache_server[0] else: _cache_server = None if args.destination: _destination = args.destination[0] else: _destination = '/tmp' if args.debug: _debug = True else: _debug = False if args.deployment: _deployment = True else: _deployment = False if args.force_deploy: _force_deploy = True else: _force_deploy = False if args.mandatory: _mandatory = True else: _mandatory = False if args.log_path: _log_path = args.log_path[0] else: _log_path = False if args.mirror: _mirror = True else: _mirror = False if args.muted_download: _muted_download = True else: _muted_download = False if args.dry_run: _dry_run = True else: _dry_run = False if args.optional: _optional = True else: _optional = False if args.pkg_server: # NOQA _pkg_server = args.pkg_server[0] else: _pkg_server = False if args.threshold: _space_threshold = args.threshold[0] else: _space_threshold = False if args.plists: if all(x.endswith('.plist') for x in args.plists): _plists = args.plists else: print 'Specified argument option must end with .plist' sys.exit(14) else: _plists = None if args.quiet: _quiet = True else: _quiet = False if args.hard_link: _hard_link = True else: _hard_link = False al = AppleLoops(allow_insecure=_allow_insecure, allow_untrusted=_allow_untrusted, apps=_apps, apps_plist=_plists, # NOQA caching_server=_cache_server, debug=_debug, deployment_mode=_deployment, # NOQA destination=_destination, dmg_filename=_dmg_filename, dry_run=_dry_run, # NOQA force_deploy=_force_deploy, force_dmg=_force_dmg, hard_link=_hard_link, help_init=False, # NOQA log_path=_log_path, mandatory_loops=_mandatory, mirror_paths=_mirror, # NOQA muted_download=_muted_download, optional_loops=_optional, pkg_server=_pkg_server, # NOQA quiet_mode=_quiet, space_threshold=_space_threshold) # NOQA al.main_processor() else: al = AppleLoops(help_init=True) parser.print_help() sys.exit(0) if name == 'main': main()
Posted on 04-11-2018 05:07 PM
@CapU Please select your code and click the ">_" icon...else wonkiness happens.
Posted on 06-25-2019 08:15 AM
I realize this is an old thread, but if Garage Band already downloaded the loops in the background because they opened up the app before the script ran, can you delete that download and mark it not to try to install it again? Even after running the script Garage Band tries to install the downloaded version every time it is launched. Thanks for the help.
Posted on 07-23-2019 04:28 AM
@nnewport Did you find a solution for this? I am also experiencing the same thing. Using a script to have AppleLoops install mandatory but GarageBand still asking for Authentication for install on launch.
Posted on 08-07-2019 06:45 AM
also experiencing the same thing, anyone have an update for this?
Posted on 08-07-2019 07:33 AM
@stephaniemm77 Kind of. See this other thread:
Posted on 08-07-2019 07:42 AM
@chrisdaggett Thank you, I was hoping to just allow the students to be able to download things themselves instead of downloading for them. Its only a small group in the lab that uses them, It would just be easier to figure something out like we do with Xcode (developer mode) that allows them to install what they want and leave off what they don't.
Posted on 04-02-2020 11:08 PM
Hello... I know this is a little bit of an older thread but here was my solution..
To grab the GarageBand or Logic installers for sound libraries use the below...
Then use InstallPKGsfromDMG from below
Posted on 10-13-2020 05:55 PM
@stephaniemm77 Did you manage to find a solution giving appropriate rights for users to install essential sounds? Am in the same boat for our schools, if we can provide access to allow the users to install essentials would solve our concern.
Posted on 10-13-2020 06:06 PM
If your using VPP to deploy the app, you can create a smartgroup with the criteria of having the .app installed.
Then using
to collect the sound library installers
to deploy/install the sound library installers in a policy targeting the smartgroup setup.
While this isn't exactly a native solution, it gets the job done. It doesnt have to be automatically deployed either, you could just make it available in self service.
Posted on 11-17-2023 07:58 AM
It looks like the InstallPXGSfromDMG app isn't available anymore. Are there any alternative solutions to this issue for MacOS Ventura or Sonoma?
Posted on 11-19-2023 02:44 PM
My forked InstallPKGsfromDMG project from jamf nation...
Note: I've been lazy and havn't updated this script for a while...You MUST use Paramater 6 with a value of "YES" without quotes... This is because jamf have removed the jamf binary being able to install PKG's so you MUST get the script to use the installer binary using this parameter...