Contributor II

Joined: September 2016

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Originally deployed withprestage set to "Enforce device name" set to Serial Number. Configuration Profile allows name change. Set name VIA MUT and the device gets new name and it looks like it is good for that day... Next day the device does inventor...
Good afternoon! We are dabbling with trying to deploy an in-house app to some of our ipads. We have a developer signed app made, but when added and scoped to an iPad and "installed" from self service, if you click the app you get "Unable to install "...
Looking for advice on why this command would pull line endings from csv, any help appreciated. awk -v var="INSERTSERIALHERE" -F',' '$0 ~ var {print $2}' /tmp/googleemail.csv
Good afternoon!I have a Proxy that pushed out to a good number of student machines that somehow had a weird space/symbol at the end that added " " to the end of the proxy. The machines still have internet (barely) but the machines are severly bogged ...
Thought I would share in case anyone else has a need. Simple script that pulls down the Google sheet, looks for matching serial # of the device, and if found does a Jamf recon update with the matching email address to update the user email address fi...
System Administrator - Jack of all tech trades