Posted on 08-08-2017 11:38 AM
from my post here...
Box Community
This is absolutely not supported by Box, don't take chances if you are not willing to take the consequences for this. That said, I felt the only problem with Box Drive was that it was using an older incompatible version of osxfuse, so a simple drop-in replacement was all that was needed.
Install the latest osxfuse from (I used Pacifist to install to get around the macOS version check)
Install the latest Box Drive (quit out after the errors)
Trash /Library/Filesystems/box.fuse
Duplicate osxfuse.fs (select to highlight the file , press command-D)
Rename the osxfuse copy.fs to box.fs
Launch (Box Drive, in fact uninstall Box Sync as Box claims incompatibilities)
In 2 days of usage, I haven't seen any issues so far, other than some file incompatibilities that I web uploaded.
Posted on 09-15-2017 07:04 PM
I followed your bit of info and I am now running Box Drive on my macOS High Sierra install. On mine I checked "check for Beta versions of FUSE" and then followed the file substitutions. Works like a charm!
Update: I used the same process to get Box Drive to work after the update to the final release of High Sierra. You will get the prompt that something has went wrong but click cancel and Box Drive will open as normal.