Get network traffic from devices.

New Contributor

Hey there! I was looking through the API, and I was wondering if there's any way of monitoring my devices network traffic? For example - I would like to monitor which websites are browsed on each device.


I found this endpoint for example :


But I'm not so sure it gives what I'm looking for. Thanks!


Esteemed Contributor II

@eran_av Jamf Pro does not capture browsing history from a device. You'd need to look at a separate product to collect that kind of information.

Valued Contributor
@sdagley wrote:

@eran_av Jamf Pro does not capture browsing history from a device. You'd need to look at a separate product to collect that kind of information.

This is spot on, although there's a couple of other ways you can tackle this, all depending on how much data you are after and if it needs to scale.

As an example, in a junior school scenario, we enforce (via configuration profiles) managed browsers disable private / guest modes and remove the option to delete history. Keeping them somewhat honest and teachers can spot check anytime they need. This may not be feasible in your environment.

In another scenario we've had cases (before we applied the above) where it was urgent to see browsing information and without ssl decryption, needed another way.

I script the process of copying Safari / Chrome's DB and used sqlite3 to export into readable a readable csv in the format; VisitTime, Title, URL
This also covered google searches etc. and covered our request. Hope that helps or gives you some ideas to throw at the issue.