Get user names from inventory

New Contributor II

We have some machines showing up in our inventory. If I click an individual machine and navigate to "local user accounts" I see all the accounts but how do you get that information into a report?

When you click on the "view results as" at the bottom of the screen I see no option that will give this information.

Also, when I look at any 1 machine under "Location" all the information is blank. user name, real name, email address, etc...etc.. nothing is there. yet under our "inventory collection prefs" we check all 3 boxes (collect account | calculate home directory sizes | include hidden accounts)


Honored Contributor

Information in the Location tab can be pulled from LDAP based on the username field.

New Contributor II

Casper inventory does not capture it? We've enabled all of the Account Collection Settings.

Honored Contributor

Think of the Location tab as who owns or uses the computer, physical location. The collect account | calculate home directory sizes | include hidden accounts options deal with the account info in the OS.

Legendary Contributor III

Is your JSS connected to your LDAP environment, like Active Directory? If not, there's no way it will be able to pull any of that info. It basically uses the short name of the person who logs into the Mac and searches against an LDAP environment.

If it is connected and you're still not getting that information, the next thing to check would be the mappings in that LDAP connection. If its not mapped correctly to fields that match up in your environment, you'll get odd results or sometimes no results.

Also, the calculate home directory sizes and collect hidden account have nothing to do with user info showing up. I wouldn't recommend checking the calculate home directory sizes unless that information is really important to you. For users with really large home directories, it can slow the inventory process down a bit.