Googalogically Speaking

Contributor II

tl;dr: This script is dumb. Do not read this.

Long version: I have seen lots of "curl the package then install the package" scripts. Some are ghastly, some are complicated (ahem, _APS...)

If you are using AutoPkg or Munki or [fill-in-the-blank-solution] you don't need this. Perhaps we are getting something awesome from Jamf soon that precludes this nonsense? If so, I will be in the front row cheering & gladly using it.

Until then, here is a simple script / workflow for remediating Google Chrome. Why?

Maybe your previous administrator decided to block automatic updates. Maybe there was a Google Chrome CVE (like recently) so you had to upgrade it. It doesn't matter.

The other reason is to talk about scripting logic generally.



# if Google Chrome is installed, collect the version

if [ -e "$googpth" ]
	googvrs="$(/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "print CFBundleShortVersionString" "$googpth")"
	>&2 echo "Google Chrome not installed. Exiting..."

# if the current stable version available matches or is older than the installed version, exit

googstb="$(/usr/bin/curl -sS | /usr/bin/awk -F ',' '/mac,stable/{print $3}' | /usr/bin/sed -n '1p')"
googchk="$(echo "$googstb\n$googvrs" | /usr/bin/sort -r --version-sort | /usr/bin/sed -n '1p')"
if [ "$googstb" = "$googvrs" ] || [ "$googchk" = "$googvrs" ]
	>&2 echo "Google Chrome:\n\tcurrent version = ${googstb}\n\tinstalled version = ${googvrs}\nExiting..."

# install the current stable version available if it is newer than the installed version
# if it is not running, download current version & silently install
# if it is running, prompt the user to install with deferral option

>&2 echo "Google Chrome:\n\tcurrent version = ${googstb}\n\tinstalled version = ${googvrs}\nAttempting upgrade..."
googpid="$(/usr/bin/pgrep 'Google Chrome')"
googpkg="/private/tmp/googlechrome $googstb.pkg"
if [ -z "$googpid" ]
	>&2 echo "...downloading & installing googlechrome $googstb.pkg"
	/usr/bin/curl -sS "$googcrl" -o "$googpkg"
    /bin/sleep 2
	/usr/sbin/installer -dumplog -pkg "$googpkg" -tgt /
    /bin/sleep 2
    >&2 echo "cleaning up..."
    /bin/rm -rf "$googpkg"
	>&2 echo "attempting to execute Google Chrome 20220303 Install id=1305..."
	/usr/local/jamf/bin/jamf policy -event 'InstallGoogleChrome'


1st, research: 

  • How do you check the current version of the app on the system?
  • How do you determine the current available version?
  • How do you get the current available package?

You may have a script you've used in the past, a "recipe", snippets from Jamf Nation, StackOverflow, etc. Get the information & assets you need.

2nd, logic. I start with comments that I eventually replace with code. There are 3 cases:

  1. The installed version matches the current "stable" version available. (Yay.)
  2. The installed version is newer than the current "stable" version available (i.e., it's a beta or a dev release.)
  3. The installed version is older than the current "stable" version available. (Boo.)

For cases 1 & 2, no action is needed. Case 3 requires an upgrade.

The 1st 2 sections of the script handle cases 1 & 2.

  • If Google Chrome is installed, collect the version in a variable.
  • If Google Chrome is not installed, exit. (Could you do this differently? Sure, but, I don't like "nesty" conditionals.)
  • Collect the Google Chrome current "stable" version in a variable.
  • Sort these 2 variables using sort -r --version-sort

Why use sort? Because the test commands are evaluating string expressions. Version numbers like these are not recognized as integers so "greater than" or "less than", etc. won't work. The version numbers could be broken into integers, but, that's more variables & lines... sort -r --version-sort does the work for you.

Using -r (reverse) means the newest version number of the 2 will be sorted to the top of the list. We can use this fact, but, this is also where the logic gets a bit tricky...

  • $googstb matches $googvrs

This is the exit condition for case 1. You're done!

Screen Shot 2022-03-05 at 5.45.30 PM.png

  • $googchk matches $googvrs

If the installed version is newer than the current "stable" version, the installed version will always sort to the top, i.e., this is the exit condition for case 2.

Screen Shot 2022-03-05 at 5.53.21 PM.png

(Above is the output of stepping through the script using set -x...)

Screen Shot 2022-03-05 at 5.48.29 PM.png

On to case 3...

  • $googchk does not match $googvrs

If the installed version is older than the current "stable" version, the current "stable" version will always sort to the topso, the script will proceed to the 3rd section where install stuff happens:

Screen Shot 2022-03-05 at 6.06.50 PM.png

- Put the URL for getting the .pkg in a variable.

- Get the PID for Google Chrome if it's open.

- Create a filepath for the .pkg download.

- If Google Chrome is not running (i.e., no PID) download the .pkg, install it & delete it after install is complete.

- If Google Chrome is running be nice to your users by calling a separate Jamf Pro policy to install Google Chrome with user interaction & a deferral option. (Or, not.)

You may not like the code style I use. You may not like that I use awk & sed. My hope, though, is that this post transcends all that & helps those of you whose questions about doing this kind of thing are something like "how do I do this kind of thing?"


Contributor III
Contributor III

Loling over the sly funny graphic share. 😀