Google AD

New Contributor II

does anyone have any experience/feedback using google AD?


New Contributor II

Do you mean Google Directory? If I have experience with managing Googles  G Suite Directory and JAMF

New Contributor

I am not sure that I fullying understand your question but I believe I am looking at something similar.

I have successfully set up Google Secure LDAP. I am looking at trying to use it as a logon for our school's Macbooks. There is documentation around completing this task manually but I wonder if anyone has managed to do it successfull through Jamf Schools. Thoughts/advice?

New Contributor II

Did you get this figured out? We are currently using jamf connect to login to our Macbooks with Microsoft Azure. We are Jamf Pro users.

Sadly, I could not get this to work with Jamf School. Instead, we moved forward with Jamf Connect.