Google Backup and Sync App: System Events pop up (PPPC?)

Valued Contributor

Google Backup and Sync app at launch displays the following message:

"Backup and Sync from Google" wants access to control "System Events". Allowing control will provide access to documents and data in "System Events", and to perform actions within that app.
Backup and Sync cannot accurately provide overlays unless this access is allowed
Don't Allow

Is it possible to control this using the PPPC Utility?

If so what needs to be selected?


New Contributor III

It is possible to manage this via a configuration profile. I would recommend checking out Jamf's Github for their PPPC Utility:

This is what it would look like if you are using the PPPC Utility. Note: in the right column is where I gave it "Allow" permission on "System Events". In the left column, if you are running macOS Catalina, you will need to give it "Allow" permissions to the Desktop, Documents, and Downloads folder.

Once you have it configured how you need it, you can just hit the "Upload" button in the lower right-hand corner, enter your Jamf Pro credentials and then you will be able to upload it directly to your Jamf Pro server.

Valued Contributor

@moojomoore I've created the profile using a 10.14 client. When installed to a 10.15 machine and Backup and Sync launched I was still prompted to allow access to the Desktop, Documents, and Downloads folder.

Is it possible to reset these to default to test the profile again? I'll test it on another Catalina machine soon.

New Contributor III
  1. Go to the profile you created in your Jamf Pro instance, then scroll down to Privacy Preferences Policy Control and verify that SystemPolicyDesktopFolder, SystemPolicyDocumentsFolder, and SystemPolicyDownloadsFolder are all set to "Allow". I missed one setting originally, and that is MediaLibrary, that should be set to "Allow" as well if you want Google Backup and Sync to be able to backup Photos from the Photos Library or set to "Deny" if you don't want that.

  2. You can view the values of a Profile by going to System Preferences > Profiles and then clicking on the profile that pulled down. Note: any values for PPPC that you set via a Configuration Profile will not appear under Security & Privacy > Privacy. Any values you set locally on the machine will show under Security & Privacy and those can be reset using tccutil reset <service name>. I followed this article to make a Self Service policy for my end-users to be able to reset this themselves:

  3. If you are on Jamf Pro 10.16, there is a PI open for SystemPolicyDocumentsFolder missing from Jamf Pro which would cause your users to see a prompt for Documents Folder. There is a solution here:

Valued Contributor

I'm on 10.12
Perhaps that's why I'm seeing what I'm seeing.