Google Chrome Error 5 Extra 0

New Contributor II

I have a problem with a few users (SVP's) who are getting the error message when checking to see if chrome is updated. They go to about chrome and the error shows below.  We have uninstalled chrome multiple times, I've tried looking up this error message no info found on it, I've put in support tickets unfortunately nothing has worked, I've manually pushed out chrome via a policy and the error still appears I'm now doing the Mac apps the device is up to date but this error message still appears, even when the user was 5 versions behind last year this message appeared.  HELP!!   





Contributor II

Are you deploying via Mac Apps?

New Contributor II

Yes, chrome is up to date but need to find out the root cause of this error message and resolve. 

I ask because we were deploying Chrome via Mac Apps (including the provided config profiles) and were seeing the same thing. We then set the deployment status to off and had a user quit the application and relaunch. The error was no longer present.

New Contributor II

This issue has been happening since the upgrade to Sonoma, I stopped the mac apps deployment all together and still received that error message. I was manually pushing out google every week and that was just too tiresome so I tried the mac apps again, but you can choose automatic or manual, manual seems to work for me.  Just need to get this error message to go away. 

We're seeing the same error on Airs that are running Monterey.

New Contributor

I have been trying to push out the update for chrome with config profiles via mac apps as well and am seeing the same thing across multiple users. I have removed any policies that have chrome updates so there aren't any clashing policies, but so far I can't find anything as to why this is happening. I'd love to know if anyone found a fix for this.

New Contributor III

Been seeing this for a while too. 

New Contributor III

Also seeing this with Edge BTW.

New Contributor

Seeing the same thing on our end. Turning off mac apps deployment immediately got rid of the error 5 on chrome and edge. 


What do you mean turning off the deployment, we have isntallomator looking for the app and trying to update, but we dont instal the app by default. We have the error above. 

New Contributor

Turning off the deployment in Mac Apps. A lot of us are trying patching with Mac Apps to keep users up to date, but it's not playing nice.