Hardware and Software Inventory

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Is there away, by advanced search or API, to report on the differences between one computer inventory update and another? Example: inventory update is recorded by Jamf recon for a computer, software package or new hardware is installed or both, then inventory update is ran. I would like to create a report that identifies only the computers who's inventory has changed within a given date range.


New Contributor III
New Contributor III

The only option I've come up with is with the API. I don't believe there is away to get diff on inventory from advanced search.

With the API I can use ../JSSResource/computerhardwaresoftwarereports/id/<computerid>/<date range> However, I don't see information in that data that I can use to determine a change has occurred. Maybe Jamf doesn't track changes to inventory? It just add a new item?