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11:16 AM
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a week ago
Hello Jamf Nation,
We currently have a Mac Mini as our JSS Server, Tomcat, Sql & FileShare Repo all in one.
We are leaning towards RHEL 7.4 & Cluster 3 Servers together, 1 tomcat, 1 Sql, 1 Fileshare repo. Currently checking out hardware, just wondering what you are using & how it's working out for you.
* Planning for about 4,000+ Machines, iPads / MacBooks.
Posted on 02-22-2018 11:53 AM
Not running it myself here, but probably need more info on your setup to recommend much. Hardware is really going to depend on ## of clients, load, etc.
FWIW, we run a single server here, serving ~ 100 clients. Server is a VM that basically never breaks a sweat. I'm sure if we had 2500 clients, we'd be in a totally different scenario.
Posted on 02-22-2018 12:17 PM
Good Point! thanks for that
We have 2,000 & Growing Fast. Planning a server for 4,000 that way we can relax for a year
Posted on 02-22-2018 01:55 PM
I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 hosting JSS, SQL, and serving a samba share/HTTP as a DP. All running on a proliant dl380 gen6. I've never hit 3% server load from my reports. Currently at ~500 devices (MacOS and IOS) and I'll be scaling that to about 1400 combined over the summer with a second DP and I think it will handle things fine. My old server was a mac mini hosting everything with a thunderbolt raid as the DP. The same number of clients and it ran fine but I was worried about scaling. By "cluster" do you mean a cluster of three JSS's or just running all three services on one machine? I feel like running each on a separate machine is overkill for that amount of devices. I could also be very wrong since I've never hit those numbers. Talk to your Jamf Buddy as well. They can give you a good recommendation.
Posted on 02-23-2018 05:44 AM
Thank you for your feedback. By cluster I'm referring to running each on a separate machine & it was referred by our Jamf Buddy. Appreciate the insight!