HDD free space popup


Hi all,


Many of our users have less than 12 gb of free space remaining on HDD. Thus, no OS upgrade is possible and SSD performance is impacted.

Is there a way to display a popup to concerned users to make a data cleanup ?



Not applicable

Hi, @Eskobar 

1st I would create a smart computer group with criteria "Drive Capacity MB" (you'll find it at the advanced criteria) less than *whatever you want in Megabyte*

Then you have 2 options:


- you can run an action right out oft this smart group (for example send an email)

- you can create a policy, that will show a messagebox on the computers in that group with a text. You have to scope that policy to the smart computer group

- either you will do this message box via an own script or you can configure the message at the policy itself at the "user interaction". I use an own script for this. (I did a script "message4u" with parameters for a headline and a text area, see my screenshots below)


Bildschirmfoto 2022-04-26 um 13.23.28.png

Bildschirmfoto 2022-04-26 um 13.35.42.pngBildschirmfoto 2022-04-26 um 13.35.50.png


Hi @Anonymous 

This awesome ! 

Would you please share  "message4u"  script for the policy ?

Not applicable

Here it is, hope it will help you to solve your question:



if [ -z "$4" ]; then
echo "no text specified, ending without a message" && exit 0
# sudo jamf -displayMessage -message "$4" && exit 0
echo "set ddr to display dialog \"$5\" with title \"$4\" buttons {\"accept\"} default button \"accept\" " | osascript -


Variable $4 is the text inside the message box, variable $5 is the title. The title is not mandatory, but without a message, there is no sense to pop up a message popup ;) Because of this I only ask for the text variable $4.

Contributor III

This is what I use

Screen Shot 2022-04-26 at 10.17.48 AM.png



# Display free space
FreeSpace=$( /usr/sbin/diskutil info / | /usr/bin/grep  -E 'Free Space|Available Space|Container Free Space' | /usr/bin/awk -F ":\s*" '{ print $2 }' | awk -F "(" '{ print $1 }' | xargs )
FreeBytes=$( /usr/sbin/diskutil info / | /usr/bin/grep -E 'Free Space|Available Space|Container Free Space' | /usr/bin/awk -F "(\\\(| Bytes\\\))" '{ print $2 }' )
DiskBytes=$( /usr/sbin/diskutil info / | /usr/bin/grep -E 'Total Space' | /usr/bin/awk -F "(\\\(| Bytes\\\))" '{ print $2 }' )
FreePercentage=$(echo "scale=2; $FreeBytes*100/$DiskBytes" | bc)
diskSpace="Disk Space: $FreeSpace free (${FreePercentage}% available)"

## Information ##

Your Disk Space is Running Low


Whatever you want here

## Disk Space Message ##

diskmsg="button returned of (display dialog \"$displayInfo\" with title \"Disk Space\" with icon file posix file \"/System/Library/CoreServices/Diagnostics Reporter.app/Contents/Resources/AppIcon.icns\" buttons {\"OK\"} default button {\"OK\"})"

clickedButton=$( /usr/bin/osascript -e "$diskmsg" )

## Run additional commands #####
exit 0


 Screen Shot 2022-04-26 at 10.15.15 AM.png

Credit to talkingmoose computer information script

Contributor II

I've been using some of this code for a disk report of my own.
I'm seeing a suite of M1 Mac Mini's bork out around:

FreeSpace=$( /usr/sbin/diskutil info / | /usr/bin/grep  -E 'Free Space|Available Space|Container Free Space' | /usr/bin/awk -F ":\s*" '{ print $2 }' | awk -F "(" '{ print $1 }' | xargs )

The error's I get look like...


/Library/Application Support/JAMF/tmp/MacOS - Student Device Report: line 27: 2847: Memory fault
/Library/Application Support/JAMF/tmp/MacOS - Student Device Report: line 28: 2850: Memory fault
/Library/Application Support/JAMF/tmp/MacOS - Student Device Report: line 29: 2853: Memory fault
/Library/Application Support/JAMF/tmp/MacOS - Student Device Report: line 30: 2858: Memory fault
/Library/Application Support/JAMF/tmp/MacOS - Student Device Report: line 31: 2860: Memory fault
/Library/Application Support/JAMF/tmp/MacOS - Student Device Report: line 31: 2862: Memory fault
/Library/Application Support/JAMF/tmp/MacOS - Student Device Report: line 31: 2864: Memory fault

(Line 27 is where the highlighted code begins).

Very strange!
The code works wonderfully on all other devices - just seems to be falling over on M1 when run at check-in by the management account. If I send the commands direct via ARD, I get the expected result.

Thanks all

New Contributor III

@YanW I guess that it's helpful for the user to add one more line at the end of the script to open Storage, in System Settings in macOS Ventura automatically: 

open x-apple.systempreferences:com.apple.settings.Storage