Posted on 09-29-2010 03:01 PM
Hi all !
Here's a short email for you to know a little bit about me and my company.
My name is Francois Tiffreau, I've had macs for a really long time, starting with the Apple II. I've worked in Apple as a Software Test Engineer for proApps, then as an assistant editor for two feature films, then as a video technician for the french broadcast industry. I've became an administrator only recently when I joined my current company.
I work in ESL Education, a swiss company that is specialized in language studies (study abroad), french schools and summer camps for teens. We are based in Montreux, but we have 30+ offices across Europe, and one in Panama City.
All of our computers are macs. We have today around 350 of them, mostly iMacs and Macbooks. We have also around 50 servers, including an Xsan.
Our jumpstart session is scheduled for week 42. Hope that'll keep me lucky.
I can't wait to meet you and start learning about casper suite. Looks like a great piece of software.
Francois Tiffreau | IT operations Manager
ESL Education
Head office – Switzerland
Grand-Rue 50, 1820 Montreux
t +41 21 962 88 80 | f +41 21 962 88 81
skype esl.francois
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Posted on 09-29-2010 03:39 PM
I work for an advertising company with offices globally located, & am currently looking after sites in France & England with possibly more across western Europe then emea to come.
So we may be in contact with each other regarding language etc...