Help Removing JAMFNation Software

New Contributor

Hello JAMFNation,
It's been about 2 years now since I've been at my school as I have graduated and the software my school had added onto out Mac's now needs to be taken off. I actually only realised it the other week and I've been on and off the phone to my old school for quite some time. They basically informed me that the IT group that had setup and ran the 'JAMF' software at our school had left and they now had a new system of some sort. They said they aren't able to assist me in removing it as they have no clue what it is and could only tell me that the software was called 'JAMF' and the school used to have the 'Casper Suite'.

I tried the command listed on one of your help documents;

/usr/sbin/jamf removeFramework

and I was quite certain it was gone for a while. I did some more searching to ensure it was gone and I could start to use my laptop for University and was told various places to check console for errors or traces of Jamf still being there.
After looking in console, I saw the error;

13/06/2014 5:46:19.995 pm[1]: (com.jamf.stop[692]) Job failed to exec(3) for weird reason: 2

This is quite annoying as I'm no longer associated with the school and I wish to no longer have their firmware on my mac.

If you could help in anyway with this, it would be superb.

Thanks and Regards.


Valued Contributor II

The JAMF software is not firmware. It's just software and can be removed like any other piece of software. One option would be to back up your data and erase the hard drive and reinstall everything. That would remove all traces of the JAMF software.

Contributor III

No offense, but this sounds kinda sketchy.

If the old school removed JAMF from all their Macs and moved on to something else, then there should be some sort of documentation. I find it highly unlikely that you are the only former-student who is having this issue.

Contributor II

If you let the school manage your personal device, they have an obligation to un-manage it when finished. There is someone there that can help you or they can put you in touch with their previous vendor that can.


Did you try sudo jamf removeFramework?

Contributor III

If you like, you can post your contact info and the contact info for your school in here and I (or one of us) can contact them and offer support directly. This way, if another former student runs into a similar issue they will be better equipped to deal with it via documentation or even a phone number to call me if there are any questions. Kevin is right, any software added to a computer by a company should be removed when the computer leaves and is no longer directly supported by their staff.

Contributor II

the jamf framework wouldn't necessarily cause you to not be able to use your laptop if it cannot connect to the JSS, let alone the fact that the command you list above wouldn't uninstall any MCX settings, config profiles, or other management, so this sounds very shady indeed...

Contributor III

It might be better actually to email the info to me directly due to this being an open format. Let me know here if you want to pursue it this way and I will leave my email address for you here so that you can contact me directly.