Posted on 06-06-2023 03:46 AM
Hi all,
I am trying to deploy a desktop background image to all our machines, currently I know how to push an image to our machines and how to set and lock the image as the background using a configuration profile, but the issue I'm having with this is it doesn't scale the image on our devices. I would also like to burn the users device name with our IT helpdesk information onto the background if possible.
I have discovered a tool called desktoppr can do this but I can't quite find instructions for how I can install this to our jamf instance and set it up.
Would anyone be able to let me know the steps I need to take to install this or another tool which can do this, and a script to set the background, scale the image and burn the device information with some info text that would be great?
Any help would be much appreciated.
Posted on 06-06-2023 10:15 AM
Thank you Melissa, this is excatly what I was looking for 🙂
Posted on 06-06-2023 07:50 AM
I use Composer
1. Copy Wallpaper to Hidden/Shared location. Example : /Users/Shared
2. Open Composer
3. Hit Cancel when prompt
4. Drag & Wallpaper file to Source
5. Ensure permission are correct
6. Export as DMG
7. Upload with Jamf Admin to repo
8. Lock and send em down to users with policy
Hope this helps you
Posted on 09-13-2023 03:27 PM
@jsim can you elaborate on the steps you took to set the desktop photo on client computers after you installed it to the /users/shared directory?
06-06-2023 10:07 AM - edited 06-06-2023 10:13 AM
Hi jsim
I tried that way originally but it didn't work great for us as it deploys the image too big cutting a lot of information out of the screen. I have now managed to deploy desktoppr and have found a way to scale the image down to the correct size using the desktoppr scale fit command on our devices.
Thank you :)
06-06-2023 02:22 PM - edited 06-06-2023 02:23 PM
Hi @Melissabryson,
I had to make some amendments to get the script working for me which I will share below.
# Set the background image
/usr/local/bin/desktoppr /path/to/background_image.jpg
# set the background colour
/usr/local/bin/desktoppr color HEXcodehere
# Scale the image to fit the screen
/usr/local/bin/desktoppr scale fit
The --addtext function part of the script you provided earlier doesn't seem to be working for me do you have any ideas how I can get this part working?
When I run a desktoppr help command in terminal I can only see options for color and scale.
I'm using desktoppr 0.4 on a Apple silicon MacBook.
Any further help is much appreciated.
Thank you.