High Sierra Content Caching


I am literally stumped!!!
We (I) am in the process of rolling out multiple Mac mini across multiple sites in the organisation.
The network is quite complex; we have two data centres, each with a firewall and each with a public IP. Mac mini will hit these firewalls on the way out and in to the network. All iOS and Mac devices across the organisation will hit our web filters in each / either of the data centres, these web filters also have their own public IP ranges. I have created the DNS record (_applcache._tcp) that contains all of our public IPs and created listen ranges for the subnet / site that the respective devices live. I selected a number of devices yesterday and selected update iOS, install automatically from the bulk actions menu, two of the devices updated. However none of the others will and caching is reporting that nothing is cached:

Activated = 1; Active = 1; CacheDetails = { }; CacheFree = 502000000000; CacheLimit = 502000000000; CacheUsed = 0; Parents = ( ); Peers = ( ); PersonalCacheFree = 502000000000; PersonalCacheLimit = 502000000000; PersonalCacheUsed = 0; Port = 53071; PrivateAddresses = ( “xx.xx.xx.xx” ); PublicAddress = “xx.xx.xx.xx”; RegistrationStatus = 1; RestrictedMedia = 0; ServerGUID = "037CA2D7-37F0-4EAC-9CDA-EB3C1ADB003B"; TotalBytesDropped = 0; TotalBytesImported = 0; TotalBytesReturnedToChildren = 0; TotalBytesReturnedToClients = 0; TotalBytesReturnedToPeers = 0; TotalBytesStoredFromOrigin = 0; TotalBytesStoredFromParents = 0; TotalBytesStoredFromPeers = 0;

I can also see the history of the device from within Jamf:

Update Inventory Less than a minute ago Update Inventory About an hour ago OSUpdateStatus Today at 6:16 PM Schedule OS Update - Today at 6:02 PM AvailableOSUpdates Today at 6:02 PM Update Inventory Today at 6:00 PM RestartDevice Today at 5:44 PM RestartDevice Today at 3:45 PM Update Inventory Today at 3:17 PM Update Inventory Today at 1:52 PM Update Inventory Today at 1:20 PM OSUpdateStatus Today at 1:20 PM Update Inventory Today at 1:09 PM Schedule OS Update - Today at 1:07 PM AvailableOSUpdates Today at 1:07 PM

It clearly shows that it schedules the OS Update, checks for status - then nothing!

Am I missing something or is someone having a similar issue?