Posted on 05-11-2017 08:48 AM
My manager wants make Self Service visible to all users (currently only IT has access to SS)
He wants SS to look similar to Software Centre from SCCM. I have to whittle:
OSX Tools
OSX Defaults
Software Updates
Video Editing
Media Plugins and Viewers
Microsoft Office
down to:
Pre Approved
Requires Approval
IT Tools
Admittaly some of these Categories I created to keep stuff kinda of organized. Besides using "None" how can I prevent a category from being seen in Self Service?
Posted on 05-11-2017 08:57 AM
@CapU the only way to hide a category is not to have Self Service policies assigned to them that your users have access to.
So if you have Self Service policies in multiple categories you're going to run into this problem. Just only have them assigned to the one category you want them to be displayed in on Self Service.
Posted on 05-12-2017 03:08 AM
Simple - Your 'Target' machines just need to NOT be in scope - for the policies that you DONT want them to see..
That way they will ONLY see policies that that ARE in scope for.