How does Casper deal with Uninstalls

Release Candidate Programs Tester

So I've used Composer to modify a Firefox DMG to place the .APP into ~/Applications folder, I've then repackaged that as a new .DMG file, uploaded to Jamf and indexed it.

It installs fine via a Self Service Policy but the separate Uninstall policy (Ticked for Uninstall in the Package and Policy) executes, completes but I can still see the .APP file in ~/Applications

So I need to figure out how Casper processes the Uninstall of the DMG file uploaded to Jamf

Thanks for any help




Esteemed Contributor III

Not confident in “Uninstall” processes, even most that are provided by the original developers.

Guessing the state of the app isn’t the same as it was when Composer indexed it?


Valued Contributor III

~/Applications ? You mean /Applications?
~/Applications is user specific and will change depending on which user the task is run as, unless your using Fill Existing Users, then I don't think the Uninstall will remove them anyway (only the one in the template user).
If your talking about /Applications then Uninstall should be able to remove it.
JAMF uninstall is a very blunt instrument though, your probably better off just scripting what you need removed.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@Look It would be the Applications folder inside the User's home directory

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@donmontalvo I've reindexed the DMG from Jamf Admin but it hasn't had an effect

Contributor III
Contributor III

Since your package populates into the user's application directory I imagine you are using Fill Existing Users (FEU) to accomplish this. For the indexed package to be uninstalled from their the un-install policy would also have to have the FEU box checked, do you currently have that selected?

Release Candidate Programs Tester


I do have that checked yes :(