How to check which machines do not have all supplemental updates

New Contributor III

I am attempting to create a smart group that identifies which computers are not update to date with their Catalina Updates. I have a smart group that checks if the machine is on Catalina but cannot seem to check if the machine has received all it supplemental updates. Is there any way to do this? Thanks!


Valued Contributor II

You can do this with a smart group matching "Operating System Build" against a regex match. You'll need to be pretty familiar with regex as these matches can get complex pretty quickly.

New Contributor III

Great thank you! How would i go about finding the regex match for the most recent Catalina update?

Valued Contributor II

Matches ^19([A-G]d{1,4}|H(d{1,2}|[1-4]d{2}|5([0-1]d|2[0-3])))$ should give you any Catalina machines that are not yet at 19H524.

Contributor III

@cnixon14 , i do this with a custom EA.. You can see that here. From this EA, you can create a smart group based on the results