Posted on 10-22-2012 11:18 AM
I've been having much success with this and thought I would share it since it took me awhile to work through. I create a policy which first delivers one copy of the file to a central location on the Mac (in this case, a folder named /TEMP). Setting up the following shell script to "Run After" causes that file to get copied to each user's private documents folder :
myUSERS=$(ls /Users)
for i in $(echo $myUSERS)
# This will copy a text file from a TEMP folder into each user's Documents folder
if [[ $i != "."* ]]
cp /TEMP/MasterTemplate.txt /users/$i/Documents/Template.txt
Posted on 10-22-2012 12:14 PM
Outside of using a pkg installer instead, why use this instead of the FEU/FUT options?
Posted on 10-22-2012 03:37 PM
@jared - is FEU fixed now with non-standard home folder locations?
@Verducci - that will only copy to specific paths in the home folder, so if you have multiple items that need to go in multiple places, you'll be editing that code a lot!
This script will copy any item it finds to the relevant location in each users' home. All you need to do is make sure to simulate the uses' homefolder structure:
for PREF_ITEM in /Applications/Utilities/ISD/Installs/User Settings/*;
for USER_HOME in /Users/*;
USER_ID=`basename "${USER_HOME}"`
if [ "${USER_ID}" != "Shared" ]; then
rsync -avE "${PREF_ITEM}" ${USER_HOME}
for PREF_ITEM in /Applications/Utilities/ISD/Installs/User Settings/*;
rsync -avE "${PREF_ITEM}" /System/Library/User Template/English.lproj/
chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/User Template/English.lproj/*
chmod -R 700 /System/Library/User Template/English.lproj/*
Posted on 03-19-2015 05:47 AM
We are new to Casper, how did you accomplish the first part "I created a policy which first delivers one copy of the file to a central location on the Mac (in this case, a folder named /TEMP)."? We would like to do the same.