How to disable iSight Camera with SIP enabled on El Capitan?

New Contributor III

I know you can disable the Camera trough various scripted methods on any version before El Capitan. Since El Capitan has the SIP enabled those scripts wont do anything as the files that need to be touched for this to work are located within protected locations..

Does anyone has found a way yet to disable the iSight Camera? I had a check into the Configuration profiles but could not find any option to disable the Camera..


Valued Contributor

You'll want to use a config profile. It was recently added to the configuration profiles, under Restrictions. I think it is in the latest version of the JSS now, but when I did it a few months ago I had to create a profile in Profile Manager ( 5) and import it into the JSS.

New Contributor III

Thanks Josh, going to have a try on this..