How to disable Notification center in Mountain Lion by default for users?

New Contributor III

They can turn it on later and configure if desired of course. Would I just use composer and take a snapshot and then change my notification center to no notifications and then take another snapshot and make a .dmg and send that out?


Legendary Contributor III

Can you clarify what you're looking to do? By turning off Notification Center, do you mean disabling the Prefpane? I'm guessing not since you mention allowing users to turn it on later. Notification Center on my 10.8 Mac, it just lists a variety of different apps and services that tie into it, each with a set of checkboxes of how or if messages get displayed. How are you planning on disabling it overall? There doesn't seem to be some global on/off switch, but I may not be aware of it.


New Contributor III

You are right, there is the "In notification center" list, which I would want to be empty. By default I think Mail, messages, Game Center, Safari, etc. are all in that list. And none are in the "Not is Notification center" list. I don't want to turn off Notification center itself, or disable the pref pane. Just not have any apps in the "In Notification Center" list by default, just not sure how to do it.

New Contributor III

Thanks C0n0r, I think I may use that fix for the student machines, but I still would like to find a way to change what apps are in the default lists if that is possible.

Honored Contributor

I think OP means essentially doing the same as option-click on the notification icon in the menu bar.

New Contributor II

That link is broken, this one is not:

New Contributor II

Permanently Disable Notifications:

launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/

killall NotificationCenter