how to fliter adobe flash player


hi all

I'm having a problem of filtering adobe flash player.
i was planing to upgrade all clients with flash reader to 17.0.118, but failed to filter it. do you have any idea on how to create the criteria?


Valued Contributor

Typing this off memory.

Make a Adobe Flash Player Smart Group:

Computer Management > Smart Group


Application Title: is: Adobe Flash Player Install


Application Version is not

Scope the policy to the Smart Group.

Edit: You had version 17.0.118 as your latest version, I just updated today on my personal machine and it was version


Another way is to use an extension attribute to grab the Flash player version directly from the plugin's info.plist.

You can then create a group based on clients reporting different versions and scope them to receive the update.

This is the EA I use. It is fairly straight forward and is based on one I found in JAMFNation some time ago.

#!/bin/sh FLASHPLAYER="/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Flash Player.plugin/Contents/Info" if [ -r "$FLASHPLAYER".plist ] ; then FlashVersion=defaults read "$FLASHPLAYER" CFBundleShortVersionString echo "<result> $FlashVersion </result>" else echo "<result> not.found </result>" fi exit 0

Honored Contributor

@yan1212 Why use an EA when there's already a criteria that determines the version already? You're already creating a smart group either way so why not base it off information that Casper is already collecting?


This is personal preference for the most part and like I said, just another way of doing what was already mentioned..

In this particular case though, I would prefer to get the player version from the plugin itself, not the Adobe Flash Player Install, which may not reflect the player's version. Some admins remove this from their builds altogether.

Legendary Contributor III

We don't have capture of plug-ins enabled in our JSS inventory collection preferences because it adds a lot of overhead to the JSS db and slows down the recon process. This means we don't use any built in Plug-In criteria for Flash Player version Smart Groups.

We also use an EA, because its possible for someone to "uninstall" Flash Player by simply going into /Library/Plug-Ins/ and deleting the plug-in there and leaving the Adobe Flash Player Install on disk, which would throw off your Smart Group. The plug-in won't actually be installed but the JSS would think it is. Using an EA to grab the information directly from the installed plugin would mean its accurate. Just my 2¢.