Posted on
01:22 PM
- last edited
a week ago
When Docker installs on a machine, it asks the user for root privileges to finish its installation process after you start it the first time. In our environment, we decided that it's best users don't need to enter any sort of credentials to finish the installation of an application. So, via a trail of troubleshooting steps I found online and some trial & error, I was able to put together an installer that does not need root privileges to finish its installation.
Use the following directions to create a version of the installer that does not require Admin Rights. If you are already familiar with making JSS policies and using Composer, check out the TLDR section at the bottom.
TLDR Version;
Install using a composer snapshot as normal.
The only major differences are as follows:
Change /Library/LaunchDaemon/com.docker.vmnetd.plist to 744 and root:wheel
Delete the Data folder found in Users/{username}/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker
Save as DMG, place on Casper Admin with FEU enabled
In Policy: Ensure that the computer restarts after install. Add the following one liner in Execute Command:
/bin/launchctl load -Fw /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.docker.vmnetd.plist
Posted on 11-13-2023 08:52 AM
which version of Docker are you using for this script ?
I am using composer to build and deploy our package.
basically, I copy the dmg to a tmp directory
mount the dmg using hdiutil -attach <path to dmg> -nobrowse
# remove an exsiting version of the app
rm -rf /Applications/
cp -R /Volumes/Docker/ /Applications/
hdiutil unmount /Volumes/Docker (should I use hdiutil -detach /Volumes/Docker here ?)
/usr/binxattr -dr "" /Aplications/ 2> /dev/null
( now i should switch to the logged on user ? )
# I have a runasUser function
if [[ "${currentUser}" != "loginwindow" ]]; then
launchctl asuser "$uid" sudo -u "${currentUser}" "$@"
echo "no user logged in"
exit 1
currentUser=$( echo "show State:/Users/ConsoleUser" | scutil | awk '/Name :/ { print $3 }' )
uid=$(id -u "${currentUser}")
/Applications/ --accept-license --user=$currentUser
runAsUser /Applications/ --accept-license --user=$currentUser
runAsUser "/Applications/ --unattended --install-privileged-components"
# I am not sure the --install-priveleged-components option exists in version 4.25 ?
Thank you for any insight for this post install script ...
Posted on 11-16-2023 02:05 AM
I may be wrong, but as far as I know using
"...destroys Docker containers, images, volumes, and other Docker related data local to the machine, and removes the files generated by the application." (See )
So in order to patch Docker I would not run the uninstall script - otherwise your user's databases will be gone.
Posted on 07-22-2021 10:19 AM
Just wanted to mention how perfect the --install-privileged-components command mentioned by @Chris_Potrebka was. Saved my day. You get an extra Kudos!
I'm not sure why Docker doesn't seem to document that from what I can tell. If it is documented, it's not easy to find. Though now that I know the term to search for, it seems to show up on a couple of threads on Docker's forum at least.
Posted on 07-27-2021 12:48 PM
Thanks tones for the kudos! Greatly appreciated.
P.S. l've consolidated my Jamf accounts down to this my original one. 🙂
Posted on 09-09-2021 07:01 AM
This seems broken again with the latest version of Docker:
Beginning on August 31, 2021, you must agree to the Docker Subscription Service Agreement to continue using Docker Desktop. Read the Blog and the Docker subscription FAQs to learn more about the changes.
Using the --install-privileged-components command doesn't bypass needing to accept the new Service Agreement.
Any thoughts?
Posted on 01-25-2022 07:51 AM
My learned colleague has scripted this and has it working (for initial installs and updates) with the attached script. All users are not admins. Tested and working on Intel and Apple Silicon.
if [[ `uname -m` == 'arm64' ]]; then
# Apple Silicon
echo 'Downloading Apple Silcon release'
curl -o ~/Downloads/Docker.dmg
# Intel
echo 'Downloading Apple Intel release'
curl -o ~/Downloads/Docker.dmg
# curl -o ~/Downloads/Docker.dmg #old version to test updating
# Mount image
hdiutil attach ~/Downloads/Docker.dmg
# Copy to Applcation folder
rm -rf /Applications/ # For updates remove the old app
cp -R /Volumes/Docker/ /Applications
# Install docker privilaged components
/Applications/ --unattended --install-privileged-components
# Accept license (doesn't seem to be working)
open -a /Applications/ --args --unattended --accept-license
# Clean up.
echo 'Cleaning up'
hdiutil unmount /Volumes/Docker/
rm ~/Downloads/Docker.dmg
Posted on 02-10-2023 01:03 PM
We've taken a bit of a different approach so as not to make it a live download. We are packaging the docker.dmg with a postinstall script that installs and configures based on the Docker docs. The only weird thing is I have to temporarily disable Gatekeeper or the install will fail:
## based on Jamf Nation content:
## Docker "Command-line" install
# installed resources in /tmp/docker/*
currentUser=$( /usr/sbin/scutil <<< "show State:/Users/ConsoleUser" | awk '/Name :/ && ! /loginwindow/ { print $3 }' )
/usr/sbin/spctl --master-disable
/usr/bin/xattr -d "/tmp/docker/${dockerDMG}"
echo "Mounting Docker DMG"
/usr/bin/hdiutil attach "/tmp/docker/${dockerDMG}"
echo "DMG attached at /Volumes/${mountName}"
echo "Starting Docker installation"
"/Volumes/${mountName}/" --accept-license --user="$currentUser"
echo "Setting permissions on"
/usr/sbin/chown -R "$currentUser" "/Applications/"
echo "Clearing Quarantine Flags"
/usr/bin/xattr -dr /Applications/
echo "Installing additional Docker components so users don't need admin rights"
"/Applications/" --install-privileged-components
## Cleanup
/usr/sbin/spctl --master-enable
/bin/echo "Starting cleanup"
echo "Unmounting $dockerDMG"
/usr/bin/hdiutil detach "/Volumes/$mountName"
sleep 5
echo "Removing temp files"
/bin/rm -rf /tmp/docker
exit 0
Posted on 02-13-2023 09:29 AM
Posted on 02-13-2023 06:45 PM
Hi I tried the script and not sure what I am doing wrong but I still can’t get pass the issue I am getting when running docker - -install-privileged-components
i get a pop-up
”Permission erro”
Running Docker Desktop as root is dangerous. Please run it as a regular user.
Posted on 05-11-2023 03:24 PM
@Eric1115 did you get a fix for error you mentioned ?
Posted on 06-12-2023 02:39 PM
07-19-2023 11:18 AM - edited 07-19-2023 11:18 AM
I started getting tickets with the previous Docker install no longer working. I rewrote my script this morning with the following and it seems to be functioning just fine now. I am by no means a scripting pro but it does the job for me. Feel free to offer up any changes. I also did not write the original script, I made adjustments to the one we were using.
if [[ `uname -m` == 'arm64' ]]; then
# Apple Silicon
echo 'Downloading Apple Silcon release'
curl -o ~/Downloads/Docker.dmg
# Intel
echo 'Downloading Apple Intel release'
curl -o ~/Downloads/Docker.dmg
# Mount image
hdiutil attach ~/Downloads/Docker.dmg
# Copy to Applcation folder
rm -rf /Applications/ # For updates remove the old app
cp -R /Volumes/Docker/ /Applications
/Applications/ --accept-license --user=$3
# Clean up.
echo 'Cleaning up'
hdiutil unmount /Volumes/Docker/
rm ~/Downloads/Docker.dmg
#Configure Docker
cp -R /Applications/ /Users/$3/.docker
ln -s -f /Users/$3/.docker/bin/docker /usr/local/bin
ln -s -f /Users/$3/.docker/run/docker.sock /var/run/docker.sock
Posted on 08-24-2023 07:44 AM
This seems to work if I'm signed in to macOS Ventura but not if the policy is running as root at the login screen.
Posted on 08-28-2023 01:32 PM
adjustment to my script due to my offensive security team. Using random temp directory.
if [[ `uname -m` == 'arm64' ]]; then
# Apple Silicon
echo 'Downloading Apple Silcon release'
tmpDir=$(/usr/bin/mktemp -d "/tmp/docker-install.XXXXXX")
curl -s -o "$tmpDir/Docker.dmg" ${url}
# Intel
echo 'Downloading Apple Intel release'
tmpDir=$(/usr/bin/mktemp -d "/tmp/docker-install.XXXXXX")
curl -s -o "$tmpDir/Docker.dmg" ${url}
cd $tmpDir
# Mount image
hdiutil attach Docker.dmg -nobrowse
# Copy to Applcation folder
rm -rf /Applications/ # For updates remove the old app
cp -R /Volumes/Docker/ /Applications
/Applications/ --accept-license --user=$3
# Clean up.
echo 'Cleaning up'
hdiutil unmount /Volumes/Docker/
rm -rf $tmpDIR
#Configure Docker
cp -R /Applications/ /Users/$3/.docker
ln -s -f /Users/$3/.docker/bin/docker /usr/local/bin
ln -s -f /Users/$3/.docker/run/docker.sock /var/run/docker.sock
Posted on 07-25-2023 09:56 AM
Hi @markacorum, for some reason, I am still having this stubborn issue with getting the --accept-license to work properly. Have you or anyone ever experienced that with your modified script?
Posted on 07-25-2023 10:01 AM
Posted on 07-25-2023 10:05 AM
Hey @markacorum, no changes were made, I simply used your modified script and unfortunately, the agreement window keeps popping back up post install. I have a sneaky suspicion that it's because the flag doesn't run properly if invoked while the dmg is still mounted. Going to try to unmount first and see what happens. Would love to hear if you or anyone experiences the same thing.
Posted on 11-16-2023 09:56 AM
This is the script I have been using and does bypass requesting admin priv.
# Function to get the latest download URL for Docker
get_latest_Docker_url() {
# Replace the following line with a command or script to fetch the latest download URL
# For example, you might use curl or wget to get the download link from the Docker website
# Example: LATEST_URL=$(curl -s
echo "$LATEST_URL"
# Grab the username of the user that last logged in (current user).
currentUser=`defaults read /Library/Preferences/ lastUserName`
# Function to download and install the latest version of Docker
install_Docker() {
# Get the latest download URL
# Download the latest version
curl -L -o "/tmp/Docker-latest.dmg" "$Docker_URL"
# Mount the cached Docker .dmg
hdiutil attach /tmp/Docker-latest.dmg
# Install the application
"/Volumes/Docker/" --user="$currentUser" --accept-license
# Unmount the DMG
hdiutil detach "/Volumes/Docker"
# Install additional Docker components so users don't need admin rights
su "$currentUser" -c "/Applications/" --unattended &
su "$currentUser" -c "/Applications/" --install-privileged-components &
# Cleanup the temporary files
rm "/tmp/Docker-latest.dmg"
echo "Docker has been installed successfully!"
# Run the installation function