How to Publish VMware Horizon Client 3.5.2 in Self-Service (Need Help!)

New Contributor

Does anyone know how to publish VMware Horizon Client 3.5.2 in Self-Service and after users have installed it should be able to see the server connection.450f92969d5f4bfd94a2aa5625dda360


New Contributor III
Has a rather good posting from bpavlov on it.

Easiest way (for me, being a bit unskilled in this) to complete it was set everything up on a machine and copy the plist, edit out usernames and extra unneeded portions, then also package in the files to get the printer notification to go away. /private/etc/cups/thnuclnt.convs
Not using configuration profiles currently so I skipped the mcxtoprofile portion and it has worked fine.

Contributor II

Very old thread - but I have the same issue. Any input on how to auto setup servers - just edit plist does not change anything as far I can see in version 5.4.1

Contributor II

@jameson You might be able to have a Jamf policy or a desktop shortcut launch URIs to get users to connect to particular servers.
VMware client manual page discussing Mac URIs