How to remove all installed provisioning profiles from an iPad via JSS

New Contributor

Is there an script or option that will delete all provisioning profiles form a iPad. Students have all kind of illegal App stores en apps installed on there iPad's and these need to be disabled/deleted


New Contributor

already disabled the option for the future so it can't be installed anymore. But we need to delete te existing ones.

Valued Contributor II

@PatrickvEs there is another thread on JAMF Nation where folks are using smart groups to detect software that shouldn't be on an iPad and then applying a very restrictive profile to the iPad that renders it basically useless until the offending software is removed. This approach might work for you as well.

New Contributor

Unfortunately, there is no way to remove anything remotely. I worked with Apple Enterprise support on this, and the only thing you can do is to have the end user delete those profiles manually. We tried the smart group approach and it works.

Valued Contributor II

on this topic, if your devices are supervised and iOS 9, you can use a restrictions profile to disallow trusting of third party apps and provisioning profiles
by unchecking this: Allow trusting new enterprise app authors For existing Provisioning profiles, if you set the Date and time into the future, you can delete the now "expired" profiles in Xcode, and then return device to correct date and time
and the new Restrictions profile will not allow them to re-add any of third party software

Valued Contributor II
