How to update Chrome automatically

New Contributor II

I have just written a blog post on how to automatically update Google Chrome using Jamf if anyone is interested. You can find my blog post here:

I have seen a few different methods posted here, but most require some admin intervention (uploading new packages, changing version numbers etc.) but this method is fully automated. Create the Extension Attribute, Smart Group and Policy and you're good to go! Every time Google release a new version of Chrome, this script will automatically grab it and install it on your Macs.

132 REPLIES 132

Valued Contributor

@msw-sa and @ekrizon I have a PR in with hjuutilainen that will fix it.

See my fork here:

I would only use mine temporarily, as he might merge my changes into his.

Valued Contributor

Okay my changes are merged into the original and I've deleted my fork, so the updated script that will work for versions above and below Chrome 75 is here:


huge thanks @ryan.ball — much appreciated! i've confirmed this script works in my environment.

Contributor II

Hello Jamf Nation,

I am getting the following Error when Google try's to update:

Script result: /Library/Application Support/JAMF/tmp/Update Google Chrome: line 15: /Applications/Google Chrome Framework.framework/Frameworks/KeystoneRegistration.framework/Resources/ksinstall: No such file or directory

Does anyone know if Google has changed anything on there end?

#specify a custom path in parameter $4 or just take the default

#no exist? exit.
[ ! -e "${appPath}/Contents/Info.plist" ] && exit

appVersion=$(defaults read "${appPath}/Contents/Info.plist" CFBundleShortVersionString)
updateURL=$(defaults read "${appPath}/Contents/Info.plist" KSUpdateURL)
productID=$(defaults read "${appPath}/Contents/Info.plist" KSProductID)

"${appPath}/Contents/Versions/${appVersion}/Google Chrome Framework.framework/Versions/A/Resources/" 2>/dev/null 1>&2
"${appPath}/Contents/Versions/${appVersion}/Google Chrome Framework.framework/Frameworks/KeystoneRegistration.framework/Resources/ksinstall" --install "${appPath}/Contents/Versions/${appVersion}/Google Chrome Framework.framework/Frameworks/KeystoneRegistration.framework/Resources/Keystone.tbz" --force
/Library/Google/GoogleSoftwareUpdate/GoogleSoftwareUpdate.bundle/Contents/MacOS/ksadmin --register --productid "${productID}" --version "${appVersion}" --xcpath "${appPath}" --url "${updateURL}" --tag-path "${appPath}/Contents/Info.plist" --tag-key "KSChannelID" --brand-path "/Library/Google/Google Chrome Brand.plist" --brand-key "KSBrandID" --version-path "${appPath}/Contents/Info.plist" --version-key "KSVersion"
"${appPath}/Contents/Versions/${appVersion}/Google Chrome Framework.framework/Versions/A/Resources/" "${appPath}" 2>/dev/null 1>&2

This was working and updating Google flawlessly till today.

Esteemed Contributor II

@CorpIT_eB It does appear Google has borked something with version 75.0.3770.80. The script is using the version number in the path to call ksinstall, but on my Mac if I look in /Applications/Google Chrome/Contents/Versions/ there is no directory named 75.0.3770.80, just one named 74.0.3729.169.

Contributor II

@sdagley Lovely!

Let't see how else I can fix this now, with Catalina around the corner I don't want to start adding Python scripts in the mix.

Keep in mind I install using another policy with this:

volname="Google Chrome"


# Are we running on Intel?
if [ '`/usr/bin/uname -p`'="i386" -o '`/usr/bin/uname -p`'="x86_64" ]; then
        /bin/echo "--" >> ${logfile}
        /bin/echo "`date`: Downloading latest version." >> ${logfile}
        /usr/bin/curl -s -o /tmp/${dmgfile} ${url}
        /bin/echo "`date`: Mounting installer disk image." >> ${logfile}
        /usr/bin/hdiutil attach /tmp/${dmgfile} -nobrowse -quiet
        /bin/echo "`date`: Installing..." >> ${logfile}
        ditto -rsrc "/Volumes/${volname}/Google" "/Applications/Google"
        /bin/sleep 10
        /bin/echo "`date`: Unmounting installer disk image." >> ${logfile}
        /usr/bin/hdiutil detach $(/bin/df | /usr/bin/grep "${volname}" | awk '{print $1}') -quiet
        /bin/sleep 10
        /bin/echo "`date`: Deleting disk image." >> ${logfile}
        /bin/rm /tmp/"${dmgfile}"
    /bin/echo "`date`: ERROR: This script is for Intel Macs only." >> ${logfile}

exit 0


@CorpIT_eB all of the items that were in Google have been moved and the Versions folder is gone starting with version 75.

Let this section of the python script be your guide

def keystone_registration_framework_path():
    """Returns KeystoneRegistration.framework path"""
    if LooseVersion(chrome_version()) >= LooseVersion("75"):
        keystone_registration = os.path.join(chrome_path, 'Contents/Frameworks/')
        keystone_registration = os.path.join(keystone_registration, 'Google Chrome Framework.framework/Versions')
        keystone_registration = os.path.join(keystone_registration, chrome_version())
        keystone_registration = os.path.join(keystone_registration, 'Frameworks/KeystoneRegistration.framework')
        keystone_registration = os.path.join(chrome_path, 'Contents/Versions')
        keystone_registration = os.path.join(keystone_registration, chrome_version())
        keystone_registration = os.path.join(keystone_registration, 'Google Chrome Framework.framework')
        keystone_registration = os.path.join(keystone_registration, 'Frameworks/KeystoneRegistration.framework')
    return keystone_registration

The python version is nice, because it has loose version comparison, but you can easily compare versions with bash too. Do a defaults read to get the chrome major version from info.plist, and if 75+, use the path with the /Versions folder, if 74 or below, use the /Frameworks path.

It's Friday afternoon so don't feel like bashing this out myself, but I might do next week. Also, if you don't care about the script to enable auto-updates working on older versions of Chrome than the current one, you don't even need to add version logic, you can just use the Frameworks path instead of the Versions path.

Contributor II

@msw-sa Just read your post, from yesterday. I might bother you again next week then. I want it to auto update for sure the first time so I don't have to relive updating it again, and trying to really move away from Python in light of Catalina. (Trying to future proof)

So if you wouldn't mind next week I can totally use the Assist. And I appreciate you in advance!


Esteemed Contributor II

@CorpIT_eB I took @msw-sa's explanation of the changes and updated @brunerd's script to accommodate Chrome 75 (here's hoping they don't change back):

#Joel Bruner
#Updated by @sdagley for Chrome 75 changes based on comments by @msw-sa


#no exist? exit.
[ ! -e "${appPath}/Contents/Info.plist" ] && exit

appVersion=$(defaults read "${appPath}/Contents/Info.plist" CFBundleShortVersionString)
majorVersion=$(echo "$appVersion" | awk -F. '{ print $1; }')
if [[ $majorVersion -ge 75 ]] ; then
    # Framework will be in ../Content/Frameworks
    frameWorkPath="${appPath}/Contents/Frameworks/Google Chrome Framework.framework/Versions/${appVersion}/Frameworks/KeystoneRegistration.framework"
    # Framework will be in ../Contents/Versions
    frameWorkPath="${appPath}/Contents/Versions/${appVersion}/Google Chrome Framework.framework/Frameworks/KeystoneRegistration.framework"

updateURL=$(defaults read "${appPath}/Contents/Info.plist" KSUpdateURL)
productID=$(defaults read "${appPath}/Contents/Info.plist" KSProductID)

"${frameWorkPath}/Versions/A/Resources/" 2>/dev/null 1>&2
"${frameWorkPath}/Resources/ksinstall" --install "${frameWorkPath}/Resources/Keystone.tbz" --force
/Library/Google/GoogleSoftwareUpdate/GoogleSoftwareUpdate.bundle/Contents/MacOS/ksadmin --register --productid "${productID}" --version "${appVersion}" --xcpath "${appPath}" --url "${updateURL}" --tag-path "${appPath}/Contents/Info.plist" --tag-key "KSChannelID" --brand-path "/Library/Google/Google Chrome Brand.plist" --brand-key "KSBrandID" --version-path "${appPath}/Contents/Info.plist" --version-key "KSVersion"
"${frameWorkPath}/Versions/A/Resources/" "${appPath}" 2>/dev/null 1>&2

Contributor II

@sdagley You're awesome!

I will give this a try and see how it works.

Thanks Again.

Contributor II

@sdagley I got a 127.

Script exit code: 127
Script result: 2019-06-10 08:58:49.469 ksinstall[39014/0x11c7685c0] [lvl=3] -[KeystoneInstallBackend runImpersonatedLaunchControlWithCommand:asUser:inProcess:] Error impersonating 327506609/96 and running command stop return code 3 (3: No such process).
    Standard output:

    Standard error:

2019-06-10 08:58:49.477 ksinstall[39014/0x11c7685c0] [lvl=3] -[KeystoneInstallBackend runImpersonatedLaunchControlWithCommand:asUser:inProcess:] Error impersonating 327506609/96 and running command stop return code 3 (3: No such process).
    Standard output:

    Standard error:

Error running script: return code was 127.

Valued Contributor

This would find the largest framework.

frameWorkPath=$(find "$appPath" -name "KeystoneRegistration.framework" | sort | head -1)

Contributor II

@ryan.ball What Variable would this code replace in the script?

    # Framework will be in ../Content/Frameworks
    frameWorkPath="${appPath}/Contents/Frameworks/Google Chrome Framework.framework/Versions/${appVersion}/Frameworks/KeystoneRegistration.framework"
    # Framework will be in ../Contents/Versions
    frameWorkPath="${appPath}/Contents/Versions/${appVersion}/Google Chrome Framework.framework/Frameworks/KeystoneRegistration.framework"

Valued Contributor

Instead of this:

majorVersion=$(echo "$appVersion" | awk -F. '{ print $1; }')
if [[ $majorVersion -ge 75 ]] ; then
    # Framework will be in ../Content/Frameworks
    frameWorkPath="${appPath}/Contents/Frameworks/Google Chrome Framework.framework/Versions/${appVersion}/Frameworks/KeystoneRegistration.framework"
    # Framework will be in ../Contents/Versions
    frameWorkPath="${appPath}/Contents/Versions/${appVersion}/Google Chrome Framework.framework/Frameworks/KeystoneRegistration.framework"

You could do this:

frameWorkPath=$(find "$appPath" -name "KeystoneRegistration.framework" | sort | head -1)

Contributor II



#no exist? exit.
[ ! -e "${appPath}/Contents/Info.plist" ] && exit

appVersion=$(defaults read "${appPath}/Contents/Info.plist" CFBundleShortVersionString)
frameWorkPath=$(find "$appPath" -name "KeystoneRegistration.framework" | sort | head -1)

updateURL=$(defaults read "${appPath}/Contents/Info.plist" KSUpdateURL)
productID=$(defaults read "${appPath}/Contents/Info.plist" KSProductID)

"${frameWorkPath}/Versions/A/Resources/" 2>/dev/null 1>&2
"${frameWorkPath}/Resources/ksinstall" --install "${frameWorkPath}/Resources/Keystone.tbz" --force
/Library/Google/GoogleSoftwareUpdate/GoogleSoftwareUpdate.bundle/Contents/MacOS/ksadmin --register --productid "${productID}" --version "${appVersion}" --xcpath "${appPath}" --url "${updateURL}" --tag-path "${appPath}/Contents/Info.plist" --tag-key "KSChannelID" --brand-path "/Library/Google/Google Chrome Brand.plist" --brand-key "KSBrandID" --version-path "${appPath}/Contents/Info.plist" --version-key "KSVersion"
"${frameWorkPath}/Versions/A/Resources/" "${appPath}" 2>/dev/null 1>&2

That look about right?

Valued Contributor

Yes. I don't know about the rest of the script's functionality, but that part should work.

Contributor II

@ryan.ball Same 127 Error.
Script exit code: 127
Script result: 2019-06-10 09:46:11.924 ksinstall[42792/0x11881e5c0] [lvl=3] -[KeystoneInstallBackend runImpersonatedLaunchControlWithCommand:asUser:inProcess:] Error impersonating 327506609/96 and running command stop return code 3 (3: No such process). Standard output:

Standard error:

2019-06-10 09:46:11.931 ksinstall[42792/0x11881e5c0] [lvl=3] -[KeystoneInstallBackend runImpersonatedLaunchControlWithCommand:asUser:inProcess:] Error impersonating 327506609/96 and running command stop return code 3 (3: No such process). Standard output:

Standard error:

Error running script: return code was 127.

@msw-sa Any ideas?

Valued Contributor

Running it as root?

Contributor II

@ryan.ball Should there be a sudo? or su somewhere I don't know about?

Valued Contributor

"${frameWorkPath}/Versions/A/Resources/" that does not seem to exist. Do you see that in the framework file?

Valued Contributor

It has to run as root.
sudo bash

Valued Contributor

It is here:
/Applications/Google Chrome Framework.framework/Versions/75.0.3770.80/Resources/

So instead of A, you need to put the version of the app.

Contributor II

@ryan.ball I am a tool, can't believe I didn't see that let me fix that syntax and give it shot again.

Thank You,

Contributor II


Script result: 2019-06-10 10:12:42.558 ksinstall[44903/0x1142db5c0] [lvl=3] -[KeystoneInstallBackend runImpersonatedLaunchControlWithCommand:asUser:inProcess:] Error impersonating 327506609/96 and running command stop return code 3 (3: No such process). Standard output: Standard error:
2019-06-10 10:12:42.888 ksinstall[44903/0x1142db5c0] [lvl=3] -[KeystoneInstallBackend runImpersonatedLaunchControlWithCommand:asUser:inProcess:] Error impersonating 327506609/96 and running command stop return code 3 (3: No such process). Standard output: Standard error:

Same 127 Error mate.

Esteemed Contributor II

@ryan.ball Nice trick with the find command but won't the variability with the # of digits in each node of the version number cause problems? Matching the path to the version number of the app bundle is less risky IMO.

New Contributor

I am very new to JAMF Pro and a lot of what you guys are discussing here is above my head, but I want to try it out. Unfortunately, because of the changes Google made in the product in the middle of the thread, I'm not sure after reading over this what will work and what doesn't. Would anyone be willing to summarize at this point what the approach should be today, post Chrome v. 75?

Contributor II

@sdagley && @ryan.ball

Even though, I think "find" is much cleaner in terms of coding I am going to stick with @sdagley 's method the problem still lies that it wont Install because It can't seem to find a processes.

So no matter where it's pointing to it never executes. I am guessing Keystones.tbz as its the first --Install request.

Valued Contributor

This worked for me. However, I did get a return code 3 twice, but it did enable auto updates.


#no exist? exit.
[[ ! -e "${appPath}/Contents/Info.plist" ]] && exit

appVersion=$(defaults read "${appPath}/Contents/Info.plist" CFBundleShortVersionString)
frameWorkPath=$(find "$appPath" -name "KeystoneRegistration.framework" | sort | head -1)
preflightPath=$(find "$appPath" -name | sort | head -1)
postflightPath=$(find "$appPath" -name | sort | head -1)

updateURL=$(defaults read "${appPath}/Contents/Info.plist" KSUpdateURL)
productID=$(defaults read "${appPath}/Contents/Info.plist" KSProductID)

"$preflightPath" 2>/dev/null 1>&2
"${frameWorkPath}/Resources/ksinstall" --install "${frameWorkPath}/Resources/Keystone.tbz" --force
/Library/Google/GoogleSoftwareUpdate/GoogleSoftwareUpdate.bundle/Contents/MacOS/ksadmin --register --productid "${productID}" --version "${appVersion}" --xcpath "${appPath}" --url "${updateURL}" --tag-path "${appPath}/Contents/Info.plist" --tag-key "KSChannelID" --brand-path "/Library/Google/Google Chrome Brand.plist" --brand-key "KSBrandID" --version-path "${appPath}/Contents/Info.plist" --version-key "KSVersion"
"$postflightPath" "${appPath}" 2>/dev/null 1>&2

New Contributor

@ryan.ball Are you creating the above as a Script and then running it based on your EA? Just trying to grasp what's going on here.

Valued Contributor

Without the finds you'll also need to restructure the path where the preflight/postflight scripts are like so:


#no exist? exit.
[[ ! -e "${appPath}/Contents/Info.plist" ]] && exit

appVersion=$(defaults read "${appPath}/Contents/Info.plist" CFBundleShortVersionString)
majorVersion=$(echo "$appVersion" | awk -F '.' '{print $1}')
if [[ $majorVersion -ge 75 ]] ; then
    # Framework will be in ../Content/Frameworks
    frameWorkPath="${appPath}/Contents/Frameworks/Google Chrome Framework.framework/Versions/${appVersion}/Frameworks/KeystoneRegistration.framework"
    scriptsPath="${appPath}/Contents/Frameworks/Google Chrome Framework.framework/Versions/${appVersion}/Resources"
    # Framework will be in ../Contents/Versions
    frameWorkPath="${appPath}/Contents/Versions/${appVersion}/Google Chrome Framework.framework/Frameworks/KeystoneRegistration.framework"
    scriptsPath="${appPath}/Contents/Versions/${appVersion}/Google Chrome Framework.framework/Version/A/Resources"

updateURL=$(defaults read "${appPath}/Contents/Info.plist" KSUpdateURL)
productID=$(defaults read "${appPath}/Contents/Info.plist" KSProductID)

"${scriptsPath}/" 2>/dev/null 1>&2
"${frameWorkPath}/Resources/ksinstall" --install "${frameWorkPath}/Resources/Keystone.tbz" --force
/Library/Google/GoogleSoftwareUpdate/GoogleSoftwareUpdate.bundle/Contents/MacOS/ksadmin --register --productid "${productID}" --version "${appVersion}" --xcpath "${appPath}" --url "${updateURL}" --tag-path "${appPath}/Contents/Info.plist" --tag-key "KSChannelID" --brand-path "/Library/Google/Google Chrome Brand.plist" --brand-key "KSBrandID" --version-path "${appPath}/Contents/Info.plist" --version-key "KSVersion"
"${scriptsPath}/" "${appPath}" 2>/dev/null 1>&2

Contributor II

@ryan.ball If we can just figure out what that Code 3 error it's basically stoping the installation of the new version. And showing as "Failed" in JAMF.

Executing Policy Computer Check-in
Running script Update Google Chrome...
Script result: 2019-06-10 10:12:42.558 ksinstall[44903/0x1142db5c0] [lvl=3] -[KeystoneInstallBackend runImpersonatedLaunchControlWithCommand:asUser:inProcess:] Error impersonating 327506609/96 and running command stop return code 3 (3: No such process). Standard output: Standard error:
2019-06-10 10:12:42.888 ksinstall[44903/0x1142db5c0] [lvl=3] -[KeystoneInstallBackend runImpersonatedLaunchControlWithCommand:asUser:inProcess:] Error impersonating 327506609/96 and running command stop return code 3 (3: No such process). Standard output: Standard error:
Script exit code: 127
Script result: 
Error running script: return code was 127.

Valued Contributor

I've modified this a bit for easier reading. When I run this (even without suppressing errors on the ksinstall line) I did receive output, but the exit code on the ksinstall line was still 0, not 127. I've suppressed the error here, as that seems to be a false positive related to the --force command, as I receive no output if I leave off the --force from ksinstall.


#no exist? exit.
[[ ! -e "${appPath}/Contents/Info.plist" ]] && exit

appVersion=$(defaults read "${appPath}/Contents/Info.plist" CFBundleShortVersionString)
majorVersion=$(echo "$appVersion" | awk -F '.' '{print $1}')
if [[ $majorVersion -ge 75 ]] ; then
    # Framework will be in ../Content/Frameworks
    frameWorkPath="${appPath}/Contents/Frameworks/Google Chrome Framework.framework/Versions/${appVersion}/Frameworks/KeystoneRegistration.framework"
    scriptsPath="${appPath}/Contents/Frameworks/Google Chrome Framework.framework/Versions/${appVersion}/Resources"
    # Framework will be in ../Contents/Versions
    frameWorkPath="${appPath}/Contents/Versions/${appVersion}/Google Chrome Framework.framework/Frameworks/KeystoneRegistration.framework"
    scriptsPath="${appPath}/Contents/Versions/${appVersion}/Google Chrome Framework.framework/Version/A/Resources"

updateURL=$(defaults read "${appPath}/Contents/Info.plist" KSUpdateURL)
productID=$(defaults read "${appPath}/Contents/Info.plist" KSProductID)

"${scriptsPath}/" 2>/dev/null 1>&2
"${frameWorkPath}/Resources/ksinstall" --install "${frameWorkPath}/Resources/Keystone.tbz" --force 2>/dev/null
    --productid "${productID}" 
    --version "${appVersion}" 
    --xcpath "${appPath}" 
    --url "${updateURL}" 
    --tag-path "${appPath}/Contents/Info.plist" 
    --tag-key "KSChannelID" 
    --brand-path "/Library/Google/Google Chrome Brand.plist" 
    --brand-key "KSBrandID" 
    --version-path "${appPath}/Contents/Info.plist" 
    --version-key "KSVersion"
"${scriptsPath}/" "${appPath}" 2>/dev/null 1>&2

Contributor II


Thank You for this very clean, I am still getting 127 on some of my machines when I flush all the errors.

But did get a 0 when I ran it locally on my tester with JAMF Policy command.

Interesting situation we have here with Google Now.

Valued Contributor

Can you check on your devices where it has failed the version of Chrome installed? Above or below 75?

Contributor II

@ryan.ball These machines are one version below 75 same as my tester version 74.0.3729.169

The way it was before it would install Chrome, then later at Check-In it would run this script to check if it had an older version of chrome uninstall the older version and then install and the new one with automatic updates enabled.

I am wondering if the 127 may be due to the clients being open and in an actively working state on at the time of execution. I was not on my test machine.

Contributor II

@ryan.ball I just double checked my tester machine and I was wrong it is currently on build 75.0.3370.80 hence why it gave code 0.

So code 127 is coming from the machines on the build prior: 74.0.3729.169 if that helps.

Valued Contributor

Okay, there seemed to have been an oversight in the below 74 path settings. Try this:


#no exist? exit.
[[ ! -e "${appPath}/Contents/Info.plist" ]] && exit

appVersion=$(defaults read "${appPath}/Contents/Info.plist" CFBundleShortVersionString)
majorVersion=$(echo "$appVersion" | awk -F '.' '{print $1}')
if [[ $majorVersion -ge 75 ]] ; then
    # Framework will be in ../Content/Frameworks
    frameWorkPath="${appPath}/Contents/Frameworks/Google Chrome Framework.framework/Versions/${appVersion}/Frameworks/KeystoneRegistration.framework"
    scriptsPath="${appPath}/Contents/Frameworks/Google Chrome Framework.framework/Versions/${appVersion}/Resources"
    # Framework will be in ../Contents/Versions
    frameWorkPath="${appPath}/Contents/Versions/${appVersion}/Google Chrome Framework.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/KeystoneRegistration.framework"
    scriptsPath="${appPath}/Contents/Versions/${appVersion}/Google Chrome Framework.framework/Versions/A/Resources"

updateURL=$(defaults read "${appPath}/Contents/Info.plist" KSUpdateURL)
productID=$(defaults read "${appPath}/Contents/Info.plist" KSProductID)

"${scriptsPath}/" 2>/dev/null 1>&2
"${frameWorkPath}/Resources/ksinstall" --install "${frameWorkPath}/Resources/Keystone.tbz" --force 2>/dev/null
    --productid "${productID}" 
    --version "${appVersion}" 
    --xcpath "${appPath}" 
    --url "${updateURL}" 
    --tag-path "${appPath}/Contents/Info.plist" 
    --tag-key "KSChannelID" 
    --brand-path "/Library/Google/Google Chrome Brand.plist" 
    --brand-key "KSBrandID" 
    --version-path "${appPath}/Contents/Info.plist" 
    --version-key "KSVersion"
"${scriptsPath}/" "${appPath}" 2>/dev/null 1>&2

New Contributor

I'm getting code 127 errors too. @ryan.ball

Contributor II

@ryan.ball I don't notice the changes in your script here from the one prior?

Valued Contributor


frameWorkPath="${appPath}/Contents/Versions/${appVersion}/Google Chrome Framework.framework/Frameworks/KeystoneRegistration.framework"
scriptsPath="${appPath}/Contents/Versions/${appVersion}/Google Chrome Framework.framework/Version/A/Resources"


frameWorkPath="${appPath}/Contents/Versions/${appVersion}/Google Chrome Framework.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/KeystoneRegistration.framework"
scriptsPath="${appPath}/Contents/Versions/${appVersion}/Google Chrome Framework.framework/Versions/A/Resources"