HTTP distribution after Packages migration

New Contributor


Super quick question that I'm sure one of you instantly knows the answer to...

Migrated our Casper Share last week to another disk and re-created the share so that the JSS/Admin/Remote etc can see it, but HTTP distribution via policy is still attempting to download packages from the old share location and because newer packages aren't in the old location, it can't find the package to install. (Interestingly you can ADD new packages from the new share, you just can't download and install them from the new share)

Anyone know what this last magical setting is that I'm missing?

Many thanks,


Valued Contributor II

You define new shares in Settings -> Computer Management -> File Share Distribution Points.

The correct way to migrate to a new share would be 1) to setup the server with appropriate accounts. 2) Add the share in JSS location above 3) Open Casper Admin and select the new share 4) click Replicate (or clone or whatever it is).

Then go into the JSS path at top and set the second repository as the primary/master. Finally, you can remove your old repo.

New Contributor


Thanks for the reply.

To clarify, we aren't creating a new share but moving the Share location from one disk to another, on the same server. So I did the process manually, removed the old share name, migrated the data manually then re-created the share (with the same name) and re-added all of the account permissions etc. My understanding was that as long as the File Share Distribution points and HTTP info pointed to the right location it would be OK?

The File Share Distribution is fine, but the HTTP is not. So if I undo those steps and replicate through Casper Admin do you think it will migrate the HTTP info to the new location?


New Contributor

Okay! So the symlink in /Library/Server/Web/Data/Sites/Default needed to be updated with the new share path.