Huh? "Installer.mpkg uses a deprecated pre-10.2 format (or uses a newer format but is invalid)."

New Contributor III

I've scoured JAMF Nation as well as the interwebs and found some references to this error, though I haven't found any real solutions.

"2014-12-11 15:27:01.734 installer[41057:6e03] Package /Library/Application Support/JAMF/Downloads/IBM Notes Installer.mpkg.unzip/IBM Notes Installer.mpkg uses a deprecated pre-10.2 format (or uses a newer format but is invalid)."

We are receiving this error on nearly every machine that runs this policy. Which btw is installing the latest version of the email client that we currently use. Can anyone shed some light on what the Root cause of this error is?

I'm happy to provide more info if needed, just wanted to keep this post as short and sweet as possible.



Legendary Contributor III

Can you manually download the package from your share point and run it successfully? It sounds like the mpkg is damaged to me and may need to be re-uploaded, or you need to obtain a new copy if its vendor supplied.

Esteemed Contributor III

I thought uses a deprecated pre-10.2 format (or uses a newer format but is invalid) was a spurious error, safe to ignore?


Contributor III

I thought (bad prefix on a tech forum, I know) that the message simply indicated the installer didn't have a valid signature, which is common. That could be checked by looking for the lock when opening it in, or with codesign -v in the terminal.