Posted on 05-18-2009 07:32 AM
Finds Adobe enragingly difficult.
Why.... Christ on a pony why, would they distribute a patch as an app?! I'm talking about the Reader 9.1.1 update. Does anyone know who, (i.e. An actual human being) we can complain to about these shenanigans? It defies logic.
Jared F. Nichols
Desktop Engineer, Infrastructure and Operations
Information Services Department
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
244 Wood Street
Lexington, Massachusetts 02420
Posted on 05-18-2009 07:52 AM
John here, first time complainer...
Agreed, I'm revamping Reader now for our distribution audience. If you
find an Adobe body to chastise, do let me know.
Cheers, John.
John T. Warming * Sr. Desktop Support Technician
Pearson Architecture, Engineering & Support
*: 952-681-3687(O) | *: 612-369-2134(M)
*: john.warming at
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Posted on 05-18-2009 07:56 AM
Also the whole non-Universal nature of it irks the crap out of me too. What really can't be sorted out where they make it a Universal app??