I made something else for you, launchd Package Creator

Valued Contributor

Fresh off the heels of DockBuilder, I've pushed something else I've been working on to GitHub for the community.

launchd Package Creator is a utility that allows you to easily create a .pkg containing a LaunchDaemon or LaunchAgent, and a target script of your choosing. The target script is also packaged, so nothing else is required on the Mac.

This is a pre-release, so be aware that you might encounter some bugs, and there are not a ton of options right now either. Like always, use it, or not, your choice.313bfca6235044ca86fada10345494ac


Valued Contributor II

Again! Nice Ryan! Going to save a lot of people a lot of time, very nice. Thank you!

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Contributor III

As someone that has to reference daemons every time I need a new one, this should help save some time. Thanks!


This is nice, I like this. It could really make people's life alot easier to just make a package. Also gives me ideas.

We use python to write both the LaunchD file and the BASH or Python script it calls. That way I never have to re-package anything. But, seeing this, makes me thing I could write something that would push the python up to JAMF through the API.

New Contributor III

Najs :)


This is great thanks!


Perfect mate, thanks a lot for sharing

Valued Contributor

Keep an eye out. A couple more features will be added Tuesday or Wednesday.

Contributor III

Thanks Ryan
Are the built packages automatically signed? See this coming handy used in conjunction with the --eraseinstall command.

Valued Contributor

@tjhall They are not signed. You could sign it yourself using:

productsign --sign "{your_identity}" original.pkg signed.pkg

I could maybe work in an option to sign the .pkg using your own cert in a future release.