Icon file to use in Self Service app?

Not applicable

Where can I find the icon resource to copy into the Self Service app so that I get a nice, big, clear icon of the app I am making a self service install for? Right now I am using Grab to make a screen shot of the icon - but it is pixelated. Do you have a better way?

Tedd at JAMF showed me once but I didn't jot it down.

Rich Barron


Not applicable

I usually look in the app package bundle for the icns file. Right-click to show package contents.
For Example: Pages.app/Contents/Resources/pages.icns
copy out the icns file and upload it to the JSS.


Not applicable

Control + click on the Self Service app (or any app for that matter) and
choose Show Package Contents.

--missing content--

the icons are stored in a file called Self Service.icns. Open that in
Preview, and you can copy any of the icons you want.


Steven Diver, Network Manager
Adlai E. Stevenson High School / www.d125.org
Email: sdiver at d125.org / Phone: 847.415.4304

"Be not simply good, be good for something."
-Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)

Rich_Barron at vfc.com on July 1, 2009 at 1:09 PM -0600 wrote: Where can I find the icon resource to copy into the Self Service app so that I get a nice, big, clear icon of the app I am making a self service install for? Right now I am using Grab to make a screen shot of the icon - but it is pixelated. Do you have a better way? Tedd at JAMF showed me once but I didn't jot it down. Rich Barron
Casper mailing list Casper at list.jamfsoftware.com http://list.jamfsoftware.com/mailman/listinfo/casper

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<div alignleft styletext-align:left;><font faceAria
l size+0 color=23000000 stylefont-family:Arial;f
ont-size:12pt;color:=23000000;>Control + click on the Self Service app (
or any app for that matter) and choose <i>Show Package Contents</i>.</font>
<br />
<div alignleft styletext-align:left;><font faceAria
l size+0 color=23000000 stylefont-family:Arial;f
ont-size:12pt;color:=23000000;>From there navigate Contents--&gt; Resour
ces. In the case of Self Service, the icons are stored in a file called Sel
f Service.icns. Open that in Preview, and you can copy any of the icons you want.</font></div>
<br />
<div alignleft styletext-align:left;><font faceAria
l size+0 color=23000000 stylefont-family:Arial;f
<br />
<div alignleft styletext-align:left;><font faceAria
l size+0 color=23000000 stylefont-family:Arial;f
<div alignleft styletext-align:left;><font faceAria
l size+0 color=23000000 stylefont-family:Arial;f
ont-size:12pt;color:=23000000;>Steven Diver, Network Manager</font></div
<div alignleft styletext-align:left;><font faceAria
l size+0 color=23000000 stylefont-family:Arial;f
ont-size:12pt;color:=23000000;>Adlai E. Stevenson High School / <a href
http://www.d125.org target_blank>www.d125.org</a></font><
<div alignleft styletext-align:left;><font faceAria
l size+0 color=23000000 stylefont-family:Arial;f
ont-size:12pt;color:=23000000;>Email: <a hrefmailto:sdiver=40d125.
org>sdiver=40d125.org</a>&nbsp;/ Phone: 847.415.4304</font></div>
<br />
<div alignleft styletext-align:left;><font faceAria
l size+0 color=23000000 stylefont-family:Arial;f
ont-size:12pt;color:=23000000;>&quot;Be not simply good, be good for som
<div alignleft styletext-align:left;><font faceAria
l size+0 color=23000000 stylefont-family:Arial;f
ont-size:12pt;color:=23000000;>-Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)</font></
<br />
<br />
<div alignleft styletext-align:left;><font faceLuci
da Grande size+0 color=23000000 stylefont-family
:Lucida Grande;font-size:10pt;color:=23000000;><b><a hrefmailto:Ri
ch_Barron=40vfc.com>Rich_Barron=40vfc.com</a> on July 1, 2009 at 1:09 PM -0600 wrote:</b></font></div>
<div alignleft styletext-align:left;><span stylebac
kground-color:=23d0d0d0;><font facesans-serif size+0 c
olor=23000000 stylefont-family:sans-serif;font-size:12pt;col
or:=23000000;>Where can I find the icon resource to copy into the Self S
ervice app so that I get a nice, big, clear icon of the app I am making a s
elf service install for? Right now I am using Grab to make a screen shot of the icon - but it is pixelated. Do you have a better way?</font></span><sp
an stylebackground-color:=23d0d0d0;><font faceTimes New Roma
n size+0 color=23000000 stylefont-family:Times N
ew Roman;font-size:12pt;color:=23000000;> </font></span></div>
<br />
<div alignleft styletext-align:left;><span stylebac
kground-color:=23d0d0d0;><font facesans-serif size+0 c
olor=23000000 stylefont-family:sans-serif;font-size:12pt;col
or:=23000000;>Tedd at JAMF showed me once but I didn't jot it down. </fo
nt></span><span stylebackground-color:=23d0d0d0;><font faceT
imes New Roman size+0 color=23000000 stylefont-f
amily:Times New Roman;font-size:12pt;color:=23000000;>&nbsp;</font></spa
<br />
<div alignleft styletext-align:left;><span stylebac
kground-color:=23d0d0d0;><font facesans-serif size+0 c
olor=23000000 stylefont-family:sans-serif;font-size:12pt;col
or:=23000000;>&nbsp;Rich Barron</font></span></div>
<div alignleft styletext-align:left;><span stylebac
kground-color:=23d0d0d0;><font faceGeneva size+0 color
=23000000 stylefont-family:Geneva;font-size:10pt;color:=2300

Contributor III

Hi Rich,

Often you can take the ICNS file right out of the application itself.

Right click on the .app itself and choose to show package contents Browse to Contents -> Resources * Drag the desired ICNS file out to your desktop

I ran into an app the other day that I couldn't find it for, SeaMonkey...strange.

Craig E

Honored Contributor
  1. Do a Get-Info on the application.
    1. In the Get Info window, select the icon and do a CMD-C
    2. Close the Get Info window
    3. Open Preview
    4. File -> New from clipboard
    5. Save it as a PNG (to preserve transparency)


New Contributor II

Easiest way is to...1. Select the App and copy it (Command+C)
2. Go into Preview.app and select "New from clipboard"
3. Save as a PNG file with "alpha" selected.
4. Upload to the JSS.

Alan Benedict
Macintosh Technician
The Integer Group
O: 515-247-2738
C: 515-770-8234

Honored Contributor

A lot of times I just google image search the product and find a icon off their website to use which is generally higher quality

Thomas Larkin
TIS Department
tlarki at kckps.org
blackberry: 913-449-7589
office: 913-627-0351

Not applicable

Another option is to:
show package contents:browse to the .icns file
Copy (cmd + c) the icns file
Open Preview
cmd+N to paste from the clipboard
Save as to a png

Contributor III
Contributor III

I would use the .icns file as described by several others. I however
don't bother transferring it to a PNG. The only difference I've noticed
is that non mac browsers don 't see it when you load your policies page
because they can't read .icns files. Not really a bid deal since self
service is a mac only thing and your macs will all see the file just
fine. And they show up normally in safari.

Then it's just control click on the app show package contents go to
the resources folder and copy the icns file. Upload that. You are


Dustin Dorey

Technology Support Cluster Specialist

Independant School District 196

Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan Public Schools

dustin.dorey at district196.org


Not applicable

So nobody had any suggestions?! (sarcasm)


Thanks for the flood of quick answers!

Rich Barron

New Contributor

I customized my store icon for my mobile devices but what about the Mac Desktops and Lap Tops. Has anyone successfully changed the icon for the store for non mobile devices?

New Contributor II

Yes, we've branded the Self Service app for a long time. You can delve into the application package to '/Applications/Self Service.app/Contents/Resources' and modify the "Self Service.icns" file.

We also changed the name of the app, by modifying the "CFBundleExecutable" key in 'Applications/Self Service.app/Contents/Info.plist' then renaming 'Applications/Self Service.app/Contents/MacOS/Self Service'. Finally, rename the app bundle itself and voilà... your very own branded self-service app.

HOWEVER... we've decided to stop this practice once Mountain Lion comes along since it requires apps to be code-signed by default and these modifications will break the code signing.