Imaging Failing!

Valued Contributor

Now all of the sudden Casper Imaging fails when trying to install my DMG of Snow Leopard. It was all working fine and all of the sudden just stopped. It errors out but I can't see the errors because it moves to the next step to quick. No errors in the error log and all of the other packages are fine. Doesn't work compiled, uncompiled, the DMG by itself, or a customized version.


Matt Lee
FNG Sr. IT Analyst / Desktop Architecture Team / Apple S.M.E / JAMF Casper Administrator
Fox Networks Group
matthew.lee at<mailto:matthew.lee at>

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Contributor III
Contributor III


Where is the DMG from?


Valued Contributor

Its a copy from a CD. I tested that it installs fine. I tested the DMG it tests out OK. Man I was gone for a week and everything seems to have just broke! I attached the error logs from the private/var/log during imaging.

![external image link](attachments/2c88959689694291a941ba5094dc7f95)

Matt Lee
FNG Sr. IT Analyst / Desktop Architecture Team / Apple S.M.E / JAMF Casper Administrator
Fox Networks Group
matthew.lee at<mailto:matthew.lee at>

Need Help? Call the Help Desk at (310) 969-HELP (ext 24357) or online at http://itteam<http://itteam/>
Help Desk Hours: Mon-Fri, 6AM-6PM PST

New Contributor III


Sometimes you can get more information in the jamf log. But you have to
look in /var/log/jamf.log on the partition you are pushing the dmg of snow
leopard to. Most of the errors I see in that log are ASR errors which don't
usually help that much. But you may be able to find something in there.


Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

Is this a new DMG or one that you've used in the past? Are you trying to
On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 12:42 PM, Matthew Lee <Matt.Lee at> wrote:
lay it down via NetBoot/NetInstall using the Casper NI Creator? And,
finally, is this new hardware?

I've seen this type of behavior when I have brand new hardware but am using
an older NetInstall image. For example, using a MacPro created NetInstall
image while trying to install on a new Sandy Bridge MBP. I've had to go
back and re-create the NetINstall image to get it to run properly.

Steve Wood
Director of IT
swood at

The Integer Group | 1999 Bryan St. | Ste. 1700 | Dallas, TX 75201
T 214.758.6813 | F 214.758.6901 | C 940.312.2475

![external image link](attachments/9bb8662f4c274c8a8d339c9d86c8c1c8)

Honored Contributor

Can the DMG be restored to a client machine using disk utility? This
will verify that the DMG is good.

Valued Contributor

To answer everyones questions...

Same Hardware No Changes on anything. The DMG works perfectly fine, I burned it to a disk and installed the OS on another computer. This is using Netboot. Again everything was perfectly fine, unchanged, stopped working on that one large install package. I've tried the same package, and reuploading. No Dice!

Matt Lee
FNG Sr. IT Analyst / Desktop Architecture Team / Apple S.M.E / JAMF Casper Administrator
Fox Networks Group
matthew.lee at<mailto:matthew.lee at>

Need Help? Call the Help Desk at (310) 969-HELP (ext 24357) or online at http://itteam<http://itteam/>
Help Desk Hours: Mon-Fri, 6AM-6PM PST

Valued Contributor

011-5-26 10:42:11 Formatted Macintosh HD
Thu May 26 10:42:12 NetBoot002 jamf[808]: The SSL certificate for will not need to be trusted.
Thu May 26 10:42:13 NetBoot002 jamf[920]: Creating .AppleSetupDone...

Thats the error I am getting.

Matt Lee
FNG Sr. IT Analyst / Desktop Architecture Team / Apple S.M.E / JAMF Casper Administrator
Fox Networks Group
matthew.lee at<mailto:matthew.lee at>

Need Help? Call the Help Desk at (310) 969-HELP (ext 24357) or online at http://itteam<http://itteam/>
Help Desk Hours: Mon-Fri, 6AM-6PM PST

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

That's not an error, that's a informational message saying that you have the option 'Allow invalid SSL cert' enabled through your JSS


Not applicable

Is this imaging failure happening on more than one machine? What if
you take a known-good machine that's been imaged in the past and now
try to re-image it; does it fail? Perhaps it's just one (or two?)
machines being affected, perhaps because of a bad NIC or HD, or SATA
cable, etc.

Damien Barrett
Systems Technician
Montclair Kimberley Academy
Montclair, NJ 07042

Valued Contributor

Its always been this way though. Nothing has changed.

Matt Lee
FNG Sr. IT Analyst / Desktop Architecture Team / Apple S.M.E / JAMF Casper Administrator
Fox Networks Group
matthew.lee at<mailto:matthew.lee at>

Need Help? Call the Help Desk at (310) 969-HELP (ext 24357) or online at http://itteam<http://itteam/>
Help Desk Hours: Mon-Fri, 6AM-6PM PST

Valued Contributor

Happens to all machines.

Matt Lee
FNG Sr. IT Analyst / Desktop Architecture Team / Apple S.M.E / JAMF Casper Administrator
Fox Networks Group
matthew.lee at<mailto:matthew.lee at>

Need Help? Call the Help Desk at (310) 969-HELP (ext 24357) or online at http://itteam<http://itteam/>
Help Desk Hours: Mon-Fri, 6AM-6PM PST

Not applicable

can you do a screen shot/s of your pre stage set up?


Shannon L Rico
Sr. Network Engineer
d: 972-487-3663
c: 214-882-3621

Valued Contributor

Our Netboot process isn't that crazy actually.

Press N or initiate through Casper remote - Machines connects to Netboot Flawless.
Choose Configuration
Our compiled Monolithic Configuration Images perfectly with extra Packages
Our compiled or uncompiled non monolithic image fails only when installing an OSX Installer DMG customized or uncustomized.
* Verified that the DMG works without Casper.

Matt Lee
FNG Sr. IT Analyst / Desktop Architecture Team / Apple S.M.E / JAMF Casper Administrator
Fox Networks Group
matthew.lee at<mailto:matthew.lee at>

Need Help? Call the Help Desk at (310) 969-HELP (ext 24357) or online at http://itteam<http://itteam/>
Help Desk Hours: Mon-Fri, 6AM-6PM PST

New Contributor II

Has anyone figured this one out? I am having the same issue, it worked one day and the next it doesn't. My install starts and then after like 2 min it skips the install.dmg and moves onto software.