Virtual Machine Smart Group
Hi All, I am trying to create a smart group of all the virtual machines I've enrolled, but I'm not able to identify an attribute to filter on. View more
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Hi All, I am trying to create a smart group of all the virtual machines I've enrolled, but I'm not able to identify an attribute to filter on. View more
Trying to deploy CRD on laptops using the Chrome Remote Desktop Host.pkg and I've also made a dmg with composer with no luck. The policies arent failing but the users are still having to manually install when going to View more
Lately some of our Macs have been checking in irregularly. We have it set to 15 minute check in. I've noticed some taking upwards of 30 minutes between reported check ins. Then even worse, some are checking in only once or twice a day. Those machines... View more
I'm just wondering what endpoint security you all have on the Macs in your environment. With a lot more people working from home we have iMacs and MacBooks checked out all over. Some are working from their local computers, others VPN, and others use ... View more
I'm attempting to remotely set Legacy VNC access on a few Mac desktops on my LAN via Jamf. I'm unable to configure the VNC password properly from a script. 1 If I run a script via a policy... -The VNC service is activated/enabled (VNC box is ticked i... View more
We need things like Last Check-In listed on the ones with status as Pending. That way it's easy at a glance to know if a system is having issues pulling a policy even though it has checked in. This is a 5 YEAR OLD Feature Request about it. Please upv... View more Any validity to this article? I'm just a tad hesitant, considering it was posted on April Fool's Day, and no other article has been written regarding this exploit. If this is real, and it hasn't been patch... View more
Does anyone have experience with getting LogMeIn's RescueAssist installed and working on computers remotely? I've been able to push out the unattended installer through Jamf, but without being able to grant RescueAssist privileges through Security & ... View more
I just noticed that my certificate inventory for the login keychain seems to be out of date. I'm curious if something changed (potentially with Catalina) where Jamf can no longer inventory certificates in the login keychain. Can anyone confirm whethe... View more
Good Day, We have an issue adding a URL to a chrome extension. Can someone perhaps share possible way to achieve this. On Windows we did the below.The following two extension policies must be set. (see Chrome policy doc)adminMode = falsefetchUrl = ht... View more
Hi guys I have an issue whit one of my scrips on Catalina. The issue is whit TimeMachine logo which should appear as an image on pop up window. Unfortunately Jamf helper shows me that instead of using Accelerated OpenGL is stuccoing on OpneGL and the... View more
Does anybody use this software, or have any experience deploying it via Jamf? I'm particularly interested in automatically setting the user ID and company PIN etc., as well as disabling the 'Quit' button if possible. View more
Anyone in JAMFnation use it? Pros Cons? How bad is it to implement and have you seen any degradation on the Mac's? Thanks in advance. View more
Good Afternoon All, We are using the Google Chrome Master Preferences file for deployment but has anyone had any luck disabling QUIC via this method or mdm profile? chrome://flags/ Experimental QUIC protocol View more
Hi All, Im working on implementing JAMF Connect Login with pre-stage imaging but I can see a issues where it wont skip the user account creation although I have it selected to skip that stage.. any ideas? View more
I have pushed a config profile to my macOS devices to restrict certain settings. It pushed successfully but after the fact there are devices I need to free up from these restrictions. I un-scoped them from the config but the restrictions are still pr... View more
Hello, Looking over this page it says you can use the defaults command to deploy settings to firefox. I created the script below but keep getting a "no such file or directory" (see ... View more
Fresh installations of Sophos on Active Directory bound mac's are not populating the AutoUpdate settings in our environment. We have a Sophos Enterprise console hosted on Windows Server. The windows machines are working fine. This was working fine la... View more
Is simple Finder available in Catalina? Question Simple Finder is a stripped down version of Finder that basically removes a lot of UI features and functionality. It's been an option in OSX/MacOS for years under Parental Controls, Server and through ... View more
After inventory (recon) is collected i check the storage space available from the 'recon'. Then i go to the actual mac and see if it is accurate, but it is not accurate. here is a sample outcome i am getting---- recon shows capacity 251.0GB --> 15.05... View more
I am setting up Jamf for the first time in my Org. We are connecting with Azure AD. I have my jump start in two weeks and I have a little confusion around if "my AD is externally facing" and if not "I need to set up Jamf Infrastructure Manager" befor... View more
Yesterday we erased and released a number of older iPads and some Galaxy Tabs for use in local hospitals during this crisis. The devices we donated would have just sat in a store until we needed them for training when things open up on the other side... View more
Can someone send me the latest Casper suite for windows? I have to request it from my place of work and it takes forever View more
I have seen bunch of scripts online but if someone has a working script which can deploy will be very helpful. I am looking a script which checks the last reboot of the machines. Then it would check if the reboot occurred less than 7 days or not. If ... View more
Using the new SSO extensions in 10.15, has anyone been able to utilize to authenticate websites? I've been able to get it to work as far as how Enterprise Connect worked with syncing AD credentials, but I'd like to see if it was possible to authentic... View more
Let me first qualify this question with the fact that I am not as proficient on the iOS side of JAMF as I am with macOS and only manage a couple of handfuls of iOS devices. I have a small group of users that have managed iPad Pros. They are having an... View more
Hi All Probably a question asked in many different ways. All the Macs in our environment are bound to AD & logged in as Mobile Accounts.Is there a script without logging in as admins to make that that end user as an admin? If so any solutions would b... View more
Hello, Does anyone actually deploy antivirus for mobile / iOS devices? example: I fully understand this sandboxing & how it limits effectiveness If you do use AV I'd like t... View more
On our student iPads we are having messages pop-up in IOS Safari saying "You cannot browse this page at 'fill in the blank' because it is restricted." So far they have been blocked by a Google form and a link inside Google doc to a BuzzFeed article. ... View more
Hi everyone! For those attending our “How to Support a Remote Workforce” webinar today, I’m starting this discussion for follow up questions and discussions. We won’t have much time to take questions after the webinar but I’m glad to answer questions... View more
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