Posted on 09-03-2017 04:14 PM
Not sure if this has been noted before.
But if you have Immediate Restart and Inventory Update in the same policy, the machines restarts really fast on it's own at the end of the policy (which is great) however it doesn't complete the inventory update before doing so (which is not so great).
We are running 9.100
Posted on 09-03-2017 07:41 PM
Okay so it's not actually the Restart that is at fault, it's not updating inventory at all from Self Service... Not sure what the issue is, maybe something specific to our instance.
Posted on 09-05-2017 06:00 AM
If the policy includes Maintenance > Update Inventory as part of a Self Service policy, then JAMF has purposely included a delay of a number of minutes. The logic being that if a user was to click on several Self Service policies and one or more included an Inventory Update, it would add a lot of time and successive "recons".
You might consider creating a script that issues the command to do a recon and then restart that will run at the end of the Self Service policy.
Just warn the users that it will reboot and it might occur before any other Self Service installs take place.