Importing users from apple business manager - newbie question

New Contributor II


Does JAMF Pro support importing users from Apple Business Manager?

If not, then how would shared iPads be supported?






Hi thanks for replying.

As you can see there are 2 options Microsoft Azure AD Sync and Google Workspace Sync and neither are set up.

When working in JAMF School the users load from Apple School Manager when JAMF School syncs with ASM but in JAMF Pro it is not working.

New Contributor II

HI, replied via e-mail and I didn't realize that my screen shot it do upload to the forum. Screen Shot 2022-12-08 at 11.04.20 AM.png


Contributor II

Actually you don't need to import your users into Jamf to use Shared iPad for Business. In the case of Apple School Manager, importing users is only for the purpose of managing classes.

To use Shared iPad for Business, just create or import your users into Apple Business Manager and that's it. When logging in, just ask the user to use their Managed Apple ID to log in. If your ABM instance is Azure or Google Federated, the login in will be passed to your IdP.

New Contributor II

Thanks for your help.

One thing that I am going to want to do is be able to set up a home screen based upon the user that is logging into the shared iPad.

I thought I could do that using smart device groups and in order for that to happen I thought that I would have to add the users to JAMF Pro.


New Contributor II

ow to migrate User's in ABM with their applications per user profile then

to JAMF?