Posted on 02-26-2013 08:38 AM
We're seeing a lot of inconsistent results with Casper recently.
Example 1: We have a full Office 2011 14.3.0 installer package from Microsoft. I dropped it into Casper and made a simple self-service policy to cache and install it.
Running the policy via sudo jamf policy or installing the package via Casper remote works fine and takes about 5-10 minutes.
Running the policy via Self Service always takes much, much longer. At least 30 minutes, and often over an hour.
Example 2:
To mitigate the above, my colleague used Composer to repackage Office. It installs quicker via Self Service, but it asks for administrator authentication, rendering SS useless.
Installing the same package as part of a Casper Imaging workflow seems successful according to the logs, but none of the components of Office actually get installed.
Anyone else seeing this kind of stuff?
Posted on 02-26-2013 11:18 AM
Example 3:
I re-repackaged Office 14.3.1. It works nicely in Self Service. It's slow as molasses in Casper Imaging, and the resulting apps complain about having missing parts.
Why is package management so screwy in Casper? In munki it just works...
Posted on 03-04-2013 08:28 AM
What sort of complaining does it do during imaging in example 3? Also, do you compress your images for Casper Imaging?
When distributing larger apps or suites like office we usually cache ahead of time and then use Self-Service to initiate the installation so the user can't tell the difference. There are many ways to skin that cat.