Information about Apple Security Update from JAMF

Contributor II
Contributor II

Hi Everyone -

You may have noticed Apple released iOS 7.0.6 and iOS 6.1.6 to patch a security vulnerability on 2/21/2014. We are updating all of our devices at JAMF Software and wanted to share are a few things we feel you should know.
1. Here are the documents describing the security content of these releases: and

  1. Here is how you can use the JSS to identify devices not running the latest Apple OS and how to notify users in your environment.

  2. To identify devices not running iOS 7.0.6 or 6.1.6 [ul]

  3. Create an Advanced Mobile Device Search with the criteria defined in this screen shot:external image link

  4. To notify end users not running iOS 7.0.6 or 6.1.6

  5. View the devices returned in your Advanced Mobile Device Search

  6. Click Action and Select Send Email

/ul] NOTE: For more information on Advanced Searches or Mass Actions refer to pages 376 ....

  1. In the future, we would recommend setting up a Caching Server on your network to speed up the distribution of Apple releases as a best practice.

We will be sure to update this post if there is any other information we can pass along to help.


Contributor II
Contributor II

Apple recently released security updates for OS X Mavericks, Mountain Lion and Lion. 1. Here is the document describing the security content of these releases:

  1. Here is how you can use the JSS to identify computers not running the latest Apple OS and how to notify users in your environment.

  2. To identify Mavericks, Mountain Lion and Lion Operating Systems that need security updates, run the following search. [ul]

  3. Create an Advanced Computer Search with the criteria defined in this screen shot:external image link

NOTE: For more accurate results, make sure collect available software updates is selected in your inventory collection preferences.

  1. To notify end users

  2. View the devices returned in your Advanced Computer Search

  3. Click Action and Select Send Email

/ul] NOTE: For more information on Advanced Computer Searches or Mass Actions refer to p....

  1. In the future, we would recommend setting up a NetBoot/SUS Appliance on your network to speed up the distribution of Apple releases.