Infrastructure manager installation on Linux server... any logs?

New Contributor

I'm trying to install an infrastructure manager server but it's failing with the error message "An authentication error has occurred"

After checking that the password is correct and there is no typo ... I guess the true is somewhere else. maybe in the SSO I'm using.

adding the /?failover on the url is not helping (I'm using a cloud version)

Any idea if I can have more log on what is failing?


Valued Contributor

Hi Marc,

Not sure about the log - perhaps ask JAMF Support if no answer comes here.

Do you know whether the format of your user name is correct? I usually play around with one of the free LDAP Browsers to make sure everything is correct. Softerra makes a free version for Windows that works well.

If you want a feature - write it up as a feature request here in Jamf Nation.



Valued Contributor II


The logs for the Infrastructure Manager can be found in the following location on the machine that is running the Infrastructure Manager:

You also need to be sure that the JSS account you're using during setup of the Infrastructure Manager has the following permissions:

Update LDAP Servers
Create and Update the Infrastructure Manager

If the JSS account you're specifying while setting up the Infrastructure Manager does not have all three of those permissions allowed, you'll see a failure to enroll the Infrastructure Manager to the JSS.

If you're finding that, even with the correct permissions, you're still getting a permissions error when trying to enroll the Infrastructure Manager to the JSS, I'd suggest creating a local JSS account that does not use SSO, and that has the appropriate permissions for enrolling and see if that works.

I am waiting to hear back from one of our developers as to whether the Infrastructure Manager works with SSO, but as far as I'm aware (at the moment) it should.

Amanda Wulff
JAMF Support