iOS 18 Configuration Profile: Allowed Apps and usage of AirDrop

New Contributor II


we have a lot of iPads for a special use case. Therefore the devices are very restricted.

We are using a configuration profile with a home screen layout and restrictions for Apps.
We restricted many apps and especially we are using the function "App usage" with "Only some apps allowed".

Since iOS 18 it's no longer possible to send a document via Airdrop to this device. The sound of reception is heard but no notification appears to allow the document. The status on the other device which send the document is "waiting".
It works again, if I remove the function "app usage" from configuration profile.

Is there any option to add AirDrop or the notification to "allowed apps"? Or is there any other workaround to use this function with AirDrop?

Best regards


New Contributor

were can i find this confiuration?

New Contributor II

Configuration Profile - Restrictions - Apps => Scroll down to "App Usage"

New Contributor II

I too am having this same issue. Can't seem to find any info as to what to allow in order to receive an AirDrop notification.


This issue can be resolved by adding "" to the list of allowed apps.

New Contributor II

Thanks for the hint. I was looking for a solution like this and will try it.
The current workaround is to use the restriction "Some apps not allowed".