iOS 6 behind Proxy, App Store/iTunes not working


Hey guys,
I know this is not a Apple forum but Apple is really not helping when it comes to troubleshooting.
We have a HTTP proxy server set up in the school, like every other sensible enterprise on the planet. iPads are using an Auto Configured .DAT file. Things are working fine until iOS 6 arrives. All of sudden, App Store and iTunes are not working anymore. iOS 6 devices remains connected to internet and every Apps are working except App Store and iTunes.
I did a bit of research but didn't really find any answers. According to the internet source, Apple has completely changed the way authentication is done to the iTunes/App Store. It is no longer HTTP/HTTPS. But it sends non-HTTP/HTTPS traffic on ports 80/443 so when a proxy server is listening on those ports and gets something that is not HTTP/HTTPS it cannot understand. I know this is an old topic in the wrong forum so please accept my apologies if this thread annoys anybody.
Thank you very much!!!


Honored Contributor

Have you tried using the server address and port directly instead of a dat/pac file? We've had the same issue here and that seems to resolve it. Not sure why yet, though.

New Contributor

what was the problem?